Take a moment to see why we believe mobile devices are one of God’s greatest gifts to the Church.
Take a moment to see why we believe mobile devices are one of God’s greatest gifts to the Church.
The Power Drill in the Toolbox
Top 10 Sites for Media Ministry:
Die afgelope ruk was daar 'n paar interessante verdere gesprekke oor die onderwerp van Teologiese Liberalisme en hoedanig die NG Kerk en sy leiers daarin funksioneer.
Ek het tevore op die Blog my eie oortuigings gedeel. My wens en passie is om die evangelie te deel en gemeentes daartoe te motiveer en te mobiliseer. Ek wil nie tyd spandeer aan onderlinge Teologiese debatte oor Leersuiwerheid nie. Sending was vir baie jare my voorreg, eers saam met World Thrust en later onder die vaandel van Koninkryksfokus (waarmee ek steeds, tot Hy my kom haal, sal probeer volhou - deesdae veral gefokus op Sosiale Media Evangelisasie).
My ervarings egter oor die laaste dekade of twee, is dat min gemeentes wat destyds (rondom 2000) aktief by sending betrokke was, steeds daarmee besig is.
Baie redes daarvoor Eerstens: Finansies - dis gewoonlik die een verskoning (Waarom? Deur die Geloofsofferkonsep wat baie gemeentes tevore gebruik het, was dit nie).
Nog 'n rede was die verskuiwing in die verstaan van die Sendingopdrag om "Alle Nasies" te bereik na "nie net daar vรชr nie; hier by ons is dan soveel nood". Hand 1:8 leer steeds: Jerusalem... Sowel as...die Uithoeke!
Rede 3 is vir my persoonlik die grootste en hartseerste. Die gevolge van die AS2019 besluit het gelei tot die bedanking en wegloop van vele lidmate uit die NGK, asook terughou van dankoffers wat noodwendig die kerk laat met minder fondse om die Kerk se hooftaak naamlik Wรชreldevangelisasie te doen. Die verdere gevolge is die Dolering van verskeie verdere gemeentes en die dreigende realiteit van kerkskeuring wat al groter word. Covid19 en die inperkings die afgelope jaar het dit natuurlik vererger (of dalk reeds oor die rand gestoot)
Rede 4 volg noodwendig: Toenemende Onsekerheid: Die Kerklike Bastion bied geen sekerheid meer in juis onseker tye nie.
1) Waarom ek self destyds sodanig ongemaklik geword het en my eie besluit om self te doleer.
2) My opgewondenheid na my eie stukkie navorsing op soek na die waarheid
3) My verdere belewenis dat gesprek nie meer help nie na verdere pogings met gesprekvoering
4) My opsommende gevolgtrekking: Die NGK se SGV-debat, Covid en waar die Kerk staan met sy Evangelisasie-taak.
5) My volgende skrywe oor Die NGK Leierskap se geploeter met die Bybel
6) My antwoord op kommentaar ontvang daaroor
Ek wens ek kan die onderwerp afhandel en ons kerkleiers vertrou met die Kerk. Ek was nooit 'n groot "Sinodale ou" nie. Maar, helaas, ek kan nie met my eie gewete daaroor stilbly nie. Meeste lidmate en predikante bly eerder tjoepstil oor die onderwerp. Min gemeentes spel duidelik uit waar hulle staan en lidmate gaan maar so aan. Wie wil nou deel wees van Kerkskeuring?
Oor die jare was dit so... Dan diรฉ teoloog se skandes; dan daardie een, maar... Moenie die boot skud nie! MAAR... Is die boot steeds op koers? Ek is oortuig daar is FOUT?
Ek het my voorgeneem: Hierdie gaan my allerlaaste skrywe wees oor die Onderwerp. Ek skuld dit vir my gewete en ek is vas oortuig ek soek die eer van God hierin. Die volgende paar bydraes is van Nuwe Groot belang om te weet:
1) GloDieBybel se Opsommende weergawe van die Geskiedenis van die NGK hieroor sedert 2000.
2) Verskeie videos oor die onderwerp van Teologiese Liberalisme in die NG Kerk deur Dr Frederick Mulder op sy Evangelical Platform.
Wie is hy? Waarom moet ons na hom luister? Lees hier en besluit self.
Luister spesiaal na twee van sy lesings:
3) Die Zoom aanbieding oor die onderwerp Teologiese Liberalisme deur die spreker: Simon Brace.
Nadat ek dit geluister het, was ek net weer oortuig. Ek moet die verslag skryf.
Die skrywe is dus hoofsaaklik aan NG lidmate gerig. Of jy dit gaan lees en wat jy as NGK lidmaat of leraar daarmee gaan maak, moet jy self voor die Here uitmaak. Dink en praat ten minste daaroor. Wees ten minste ingelig om te besin oor jou toekoms in jou kerk en gemeente.
Chris Visser, Centurion.
(NGK lidmaat oor die afgelope 73 jaar; Leraar sedert 1981, die laaste klompie as emeritus)
My Testimony or Life Story on how I met Jesus as my Saviour.
I was born on a farm, wonderful opportunities as a child. My parents were secular Christians, going to church now and then, reading the Bible sometimes etc., but with no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I was baptized as a baby in the Reformed Church and as I grew up, thought I were a Christian as everybody else.
Therefore, from a young age I was “religious”. My Parents thought, and I also THOUGHT it, that I was mostly a very “good” boy and not too naughty.
But I did many terrible things that was only known to me: My personal secrets. The Bible calls it sin. My favorite teacher thought I was extremely cute and always preferred me over others, but behind her back I did more than naughty things. I even stole her sweets and of the school funds as well as other things behind her back. She never caught me out.
I had one good friend on the farm, a child of one farm worker. He led me astray many times. Once we tried to test the “fact” that a cat has 7 lives. We planned to kill this cat 7 times to proof it wrong. For me it still is a terrible afterthought, remembering what cruel things we did to that cat.
Unfortunately, there were more such stories in my life, that only I know about, myself and God. Many things in my life that God later slowly began to reveal to me. I slowly started to realize the meaning of the word “Sin” – those things that hurts God’s heart and was not to His glory at all. The verse in Rom 3:23 became more than a reality to me “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
As I grew older, I experienced some of the hypocrisy from many so-called Christians, some whom were our church members. I realized how my own parents were living with a big hatred in their hearts towards nearby family members. We as children were not allowed to play with them (although one of the girls was really one of my favorites). I will not go deep into the background of this whole story, but the reality was that they did not want to forgive them or repent from their own sin. I started to question my parents’ sincerity as Christians and started questioning my own.
But I really wanted more. I really wanted to be sure that I was a child of Jesus, but did not know how; Many times, alone in the field, I prayed: "Please Lord Jesus, make me Your child." However, He never did as I expected it; appeared to me, or spoke to me in a voice as I was thought it should be.
I was also too embarrassed to ask anyone's help. What would they think of me? And one thing I became more and more sure about. Christianity must be a fake as most Christians I knew lived faked lives.
I remembered many times, even from a young age, I asked myself: Is God there? Can I be sure about God and that I am His child? And about all my sins, how to be forgiven and make peace with God, how to be sure that I will have eternal life and in heaven with God. This question grew stronger in me.
I read my Bible, but maybe I did not know how to read and understand it. I read about the conversion op Apostle Paul in Acts 9, how he saw a light and heard a voice, how he met Jesus himself. That idea got stuck in my head. I was thinking that God needed to speak like that to me. I asked and prayed, but that never happened!
During this time, I strongly doubted if repentance and a change of life is at all possible.
Then this happened: This man, who served on our farm for three generations, with great dedication as part of our household; somebody whom I admired very much for his natural wisdom and his love for me as a child; something happened to him, something that everybody called a miracle.
This man had one big problem: He was addicted to alcohol all his life, getting drunk nearly every weekend and then doing many bad things! My father tried to help him to recover many times, but he often said it was just impossible that he could ever change.
Then one day this man came and announced to us: "I am converted; I stopped drinking and also became
a Christian now". Everyone was amazed and skeptical about it. Impossible! This will not last!
But not only did he never use alcohol again; his whole life changed. His relation with his wife whom he beated up many times when drunk, also changed.
His testimony helped many other people to also took God seriously in their lives. And myself? I realized that real repentance and a change of life was possible.
These same evangelists that helped that man also started working among the farmers. They also came to visit my parents and heard about the bad relationship with our family members. They did not leave it there; they my parents to also accept Jesus as Lord and correct what was wrong in their lives.
As a young child I will never forget how my parents knelt and prayed and confessed their sins, how my father later drove away in his car, on its way to the other family - the people whom they hated for generations - to go and heal those relationship. This was the end of those unforgiving relationship.
My parents became truly spiritually anew after their conversion. I remember how they often kept quiet times for hours and read the Bible and prayed, also for me.
During my whole school life, but since then, I searched for God more urgently. I wanted so strongly to know how to become a child of God; how to be sure of my own salvation. But it never realized.
My search for assurance of salvation later developed into fear. Suppose I died? What will became of me? I did not want to go to hell. This fear for hell increased.
But I never shared these questions or fears with anyone. I kept them all for myself.
I remembered one time during a high school holiday, I was even too scared at night to blow out the oil lamp (we still had no electricity then.) In the mornings, my mother was annoyed with me because all the oil of the lamp was burnt out. A waste of precious oil.
I could never tell her the real reason for keeping the lamp burning.
My spiritual questions remained throughout my school career - the search for certainty to be a child of God.
During my last year of school, my father suddenly died, and it was a further huge blow to me.
The next year I had to go to University, to a place far away, for me it was a very strange and lonely experience that certainly made my search for certainty with God even more intense.
I constantly feared what would happen if I had to die; whether I would be acceptable to God. Satan, the evil enemy, constantly fed the doubt in me. I felt that God apparently did not want to answer me. My need for a sign or audible voice from God never materialized.
Then one Sunday night it became unbearable and I spoke to a senior student whom I met. I later realized this was God’s answer to my deep questions and searching for God.
I told this friend my whole story and my search for God for all these years.
I asked my friend: What must I do to be saved? To become sure of my Salvation in Christ?
That evening he simply and step by step explained to me the path to Salvation. He used Romans 3:23-26 for this purpose.
That evening for the first time I understood it and it made sense to me.
*Yes, we all are sinners (Rom 3:23 “...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”), but when I confess my sins to God, I am forgiven by the grace of God (Rom 3:24 “...by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” )
*Jesus' merits on the cross pay for all sin, including mine (Rom 3:25 “God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith.”)
*I learned I must accept God's promises of forgiveness, childhood, and eternal life by faith, simply believing the Word of God. (John 1:12 – Quoted later)
*My friend opened my eyes for the meaning of grace; that I did not have to do anything myself. I cannot do anything from my side to please God or earn it by myself as He already sacrificially paid all with His own death on the Cross. This is free! The moment I try to earn it from my side, I questioned the completeness of His sacrifice for me. He paid for all my guilt with His Life.
*He explained to me that my whole future life should be one of thanksgiving, to glorify and serve God for what he did for me. (Rom 6:13... “rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.”)
*Lastly, I understood the promise of being a child of God and forgiveness of my sins as being a gift from God that lead to eternal life (Rom 6: 22-23 “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”)
* I also realized that I did not need any experience or feeling to be sure of God’s love and forgiveness. I just had to accept it in faith! He promised it. It is true!
That night I did just that! On my knees with the open Bible, Joh. 1:12 suddenly made sense to me “But to all who received him, to those who believed in him, he gave the right to become children of God.”
That night, since the time I started looking for salvation from a young age, I was now for the first time sure that I was a child of God; sure of my salvation in Christ. I just know it!
From then on, the Holy Spirit opened the Bible for me; Bible study had become a priority and a joy. My whole life got new meaning; it determined the rest of my future life and decisions that I would have to make.
It is so wonderful to afterwards continually have assurance of the fact that I am a child of God, sure of my salvation in Christ, already starting the journey of Eternal life.
It is now more than 50 years since that night that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
I never doubted this again; Up till this day I am still more than ever sure of it because that is what God promises in His Word, and that is enough.
Yes, I have times of doubt about many life issues, why the world is still such a terrible place, why there are still so much suffering, why so many people are still without the knowledge of Christ – 2000 years after Christ’s coming to this world etc., but this I know: One day He will return to finish it off when He will come again.
In the meantime, I cherish the Word of God in John 10:28 “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
What a privilege it was since that night to serve God! (That is a Life Story for another book).
What a privilege it still is to share it with you, until the day He will call me home.
Praise the Lord!
“What do you want me to do for you?” It is a question from the Bible that has come to be called the Amazing Question. The question is from Luke 18:35, when Jesus encountered a blind beggar while on his way to Jericho.
And he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him,
telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stopped
and commanded him to be brought to him. And when he came near, He [Jesus] asked him, “What do you want
me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me recover my sight.” And Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your
faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him, glorifying God.
And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.
The Amazing Question has been used by many to spark spiritual conversations and share the Gospel. The story has a natural segue to faith conversations, simply by asking, “If Jesus were to ask you that question, what would you say?”
“The Amazing Question is powerful because it uses Scripture, it puts Jesus in the center of the conversation, and it demonstrates that the God of the Bible wants to help you,” says Keith, a missionary with Cru.
Read more here...https://indigitous.org/2020/03/04/asking-the-amazing-question-on-facebook/
More and more people and organizations are discovering Telegram—and some are already kicked out for some understandable reason. There are even NGOs that use this messenger app to host groups—up to 5,000 members in a supergroup—to create a private channel or to connect with their target audience one on one. Why should you use this application instead of WhatsApp for instance (apart from the fact when your country chose to monitor all WhatsApp messages or ban WhatsApp)? One answer: security.
Welcome to join our KoFie-Ministry on TELEGRAM here...
To read more about Telegram and the top three reasons to consider using Telegram, read it here... https://www.mediatomovements.org/articles/telegram
While doing our course on Multimedia Ministry, the following was one of the new concepts that I learned about.
Hashtags #, and how to use it in Internet Ministry
When one post anything on Social Media, it is a "Push" initiative. You put up what you decided; not actually what they (your readers) want and what they will respond to ("Pull" initiative).
How to get a "Pull" result in our Facebook Conversations
Lately I discover the value of Hashtags # to connect our previous articles to the search engines on Facebook or Google to discover specific topics.
Afrikaans (See English underneath)
Ek deel graag die nuwe Blog wat ek besig is om te ontwikkel.Die doel is uitsluitlik om mense wat saam met my belangstel in Muslim evangelisasie - om die evangelie ook met Muslims te deel - te betrek.
Jy is welkom om hierin te lees oor ons eie ervarings en geprekke met Muslims - hoofsaaklik op Sosiale Media soos facebook en WhatsApp, maar ook tydens persoonlike gesprekke in besighede, tydens besoeke aan Moskees en dikwels in hospitale waar Moslems dikwels baie broos is, veral met die siekte en afsterwe van 'n geliefde. Dan kan mens maar eerlik gesels ook oor die realiteit van die dood, en die vraag van die ewige lewe.
(Om die Blog te besoek, klik sommer op die prentjei hierbo)
Ek het 'n epos in reaksie op my vorige plasing ontvang en wil my antwoord daarop hier deel:
Liewe E, dankie vir jou omgee vir die kerk en die Koninkryk, soos jy skryf...
My goeie vriend Faan vra my elke Maandag waarvoor om vir ons te bid. (Ons is nou maar ons gesinnetjie (ek en Sterna en ons 4 dogters en hulle spruite ens.) en ons bediening Koninkryksfokus en ons Kofie.Projek.
Na ek hom besoek het en lank met hom gesels het oor al sy dinge: Bid asb. saam met my... vir God se genade oor hom, dat God hom tot Sy eer en binne Sy wil sal genees hom sal gebruik om nog 'n groot getuie vir Hom te wees. NIKS IS VIR GOD ONMOONTLIK NIE (Luk 1:37)
Dankie vir jou gebede.
Chris Visser, 0829269364
In ons KSM se Een jaar NT Bybellees is ons nou by LUKAS. Die BibleProject (Afrikaans) het 'n reeks baie goeie video's gemaak om die raamwerk van elke Evangelie te verduidelik.
Kyk gerus hier na 'n Oorsig van LUKAS se eerste deel. Kyk self die res op YouTube. (die skakels word daarby gegee). Skitterend. Baie dankie aan hulle besondere werk hiermee. Dit maak Bybellees 'n lekkerte.
Hier is die Oorsig van die eerste deel van Lukas.
Die NGK leierskap se geploeter met die Bybel
Die leiers van die NG Kerk is nou al lank besig om algaande
die Bybelse fondamente stadig onder homself uit te kalwe. Hoe naby die inplons
is, sal ons maar moet sien, maar ek, emeritus leraar, dus maar met min aansien,
maar nogtans met ’n eie mening, ek oordeel dis nie meer te vรชr voor ’n instorting of skeuring van een of ander aard gaan plaasvind nie. (Mag dit steeds verhoed word.)
’n Kort opsomming van die konteks: Ons begin maar by die AS2019 besluite. Dit was
eintlik net ’n terugkeer na die 2015-AS besluite wat selfdegeslagverbintenisse
“in liefde en trou” aanvaar het en dat gay predikante nie selibaat hoef te wees
nie. Tussenin was daar egter ’n buitengewone Algemene Sinode 2016 waar die 2015
besluite dramaties omgekeer is. En... ’n Hofsaak teen die kerk, wat die kerk
verloor het en toe maar gedienstig in 2019 eintlik net stert tussen die bene
teruggekrabbel het (dis my opsommende siening daarvan)
Die langdurige gestry onder die leiers oor wat die Skrif oor Selfdegeslagverhoudings te sรช het en of die Skrif enigsins iets daaroor te sรช het vir Christene, dit het intussen baie gemeentes en lidmate die pad om te Doleer laat kies, nie te noem van die baie wat die kerk reeds verlaat het of hulle dankoffers terughou nie. Tyd en fokus vir die kerk se wesenstaak (Wรชreldevangelisasie) het lankal reeds op groot skaal in die hek geduik. (Niemand is opgewonde om te gee vir ’n kerk wat sy dankoffers nie vir kerkwerk gebruik nie, maar... veral nie vir hofsake nie.)
Die nadraai van Covid-19
is ook nog hangende. Daarom is veral die finansiรซle inplons nie meer vรชr nie – dis my
voorspelling. Die finale lidmate-inplonsing, dit lรช nog voor. (Dit kon voorkom gewees het en was totaal onnodig.)
'n Paar gebeure die laaste ruk het noue verband hiermee:
1. Die Kairos-Netwerk, wat gemeentes verteenwoordig wat die AS-besluite verwerp, hulle het onlangs met die AS moderamen gesels en gevra: Kom ons praat weer (by ’n Sinode), hulle het net ’n koue skouer gekry.
2. Algemene Sinode Gids: Die Sinode se 2019 besluite om Selfdegeslag verbintenisse te aanvaar en die weerstand wat dit op grondvlak gekry het, het die AS genoop om hulle besluite beter te probeer verkoop onder gemeentes en lidmate wat nie meer hulle kerkleiers so maklik vertrou nie. Dus is daar 'n GIDS opgestel om die besluite oor die saak toe te lig en wat "lidmate wil help" - Waarmee? Om nie verder weerstand te bied (te Doleer) teen die AS2019 besluite nie en met mooi woorde te vertel wat hulle moet aanvaar hieroor. Baie klem word gelรช op Liefde en Verdraagsaamheid, Kerkeenheid (ongeag?) en dat die saak nie ’n “kern-” nie, maar net ’n “randsaak” is ens. Heelwat Bybelse tekste oor “onderlinge eenheid” word beklemtoon en ’n “Christelike styl” van gesprek (wat nie met die AS besluite mag verskil nie?) – dis my verstaan daarvan.
3. Hoe moet 'n lidmaat die Gids beoordeel? Moet lidmate maar net mooi soet na die persoon (die Sinodale amptenaar?) wat dit in die gemeente kom aanbied, luister en dit net aanvaar?So waarheen nou vir NGK lidmate?
Ek kan jou ongelukkig nie voorsรช nie. Elkeen moet met sy eie gewete die saak met die Here uitmaak volgens sy verstaan van die Skrif, soos wat die Woord duidelik oor die huwelik leer en watter pad die kerk tot die eer van God moet loop.
Wat myself betref... Die NGK se leierskap stel my totaal teleur weens hulle hantering van die Skrif soos dit oor jare ontwikkel het, ook rondom ander sake (soos bv. die historiese Opstanding van Christus en die bestaan van die Duiwel). Die goedkeuring van Selfdegeslagverhoudinge was vir my die laaste strooi.
Persoonlik wag en sien ek wat die pad gaan wees wat deur die Kairos-Netwerk met die NGK vorentoe geloop gaan word. Ek gaan intussen voort om as gelowige (nie noodwendig deel van enige kerkverband nie) my eie getuienistaak uit te voer deur ons eie bediening van Sosiale Media Evangelisasie: Koninkryksfokus-Kofie.projek. Dit kan ek met volle oorgawe doen, maar sal ook enige NG Kerk wat met die Opdrag van ons Here Jesus besig is, van ganser harte daarin ondersteun. (Intussen is ek baie meer opgewonde oor baie buitekerklike organisasies wat veral gedurende die Covid tydperk wonderlike koninkrykswerk oral in die gemeenskap en selfs op die Wรชreldterrein gedoen het.)
Elkeen moet self besluit: Dit hang van elke gemeente, leraar en lidmaat af hoedanig elkeen op die AS besluite moet reageer. Om as gelowige wat die Bybel ernstig opneem en tot eer van God wil gehoorsaam, maar net die "groot manne" se Bybel-interpretering en besluite te aanvaar sonder enige eie verantwoordelikheid oor wat God in sy Woord verwag oor hierdie saak, dit moet elkeen self besluit.
Ek bid steeds dat daar by kerkleiers 'n kentering kom, 'n terugkeer na die Woord van God as Enigste gesag. Ongelukkig stem die wรชreldwye wegbeweeg daarvan vir my baie ooreen met Paulus se waarskuwings aan Timoteus op verskeie plekke in sy briewe. Net jammer dat dit deel geword het van die kerk waarin die Here my byna 50 jaar gelede geroep en ek die voorreg gehad het om Hom te dien.
As jy nie daarvan oortuig is nie, maar niks verder doen nie, dan keur jy dit by implikasie goed. Dis dit!
Chris Visser
(Emeritus, Centurion)