Hierdie Blad probeer ANTWOORD UIT DIE BYBEL kry vir GELOOFSVRAE waarmee mense worstel.
'n Voorbeeld van so 'n vraag sou wees...
Waarom antwoord God nie al my Gebede nie?
L.W. Antwoorde op hierdie vrae sal nie net die werk van myself of uit een bron kom nie. Daar is reeds uitstekende materiaal beskikbaar om sekere sulke vrae te beantwoord en ons sal dus net die bron daarvan gee.
Verder sal ons bekwame persone nader om sekere vrae te help antwoord.
TAAL: Sommige van die antwoorde gaan in Engels gegee word, veral waar ons 'n Engelse Br
Hiermee 'n voorlopige lys of INHOUDSOPGAWE van die Geloofsvrae wat ons tot sover ontvang het en vorentoe sal probeer dek op hierdie Blog-Blad en WhatsApp Groep (Sien skakel onder)
- Waarom antwoord God nie altyd ons gebede nie.
- Die Gay debat en of sommige mense so gebore word
- Sekerheid oor die Lewe ná die dood
- Absolute Geloofsekerheid
- Die Skepping en/of Evolusie sonder God se ingrype
- Waar is God as kwaad en slegte goed met mense gebeur?
- Wat om te maak met oënskynlike foute in die Bybel?
- Ateïsme - Bestaan God werklik?
- Die Heilige Gees: Hoe en wat beteken dit om vervul te word met die Heilige Gees en onder Sy leiding te leef
- Is die Bybel se evangelie die enigste manier om die ware God te ken of daar ander ander weë na God?
- Sending: Moet alle mense en gemeentes dit doen?
- Geloofsgenesing: 12.1. Maak God steeds mense gesond soos in Bybelse Tye? 12.2. Is dit Bybels korrek om in siekte vir iemand te sê: Deur Sy wonde sal jy genesing kry.
- Dui die oorloë wat tans gebeur aan dat ons nou finaal in die eindtyd is en is die Wederkoms van Christus nou op hande?
- Wat sê God daarvan... Verskeie onderwerpe word gedek soos die Tien Gebooie, Aborsie, Dobbel, Geslagsidentiteit, Alkoholmisbruik ens.
- Die gebruik van geweld indien nodig in die groter belang.
- Ander: (Vrae soos dit verder opduik)
Ons gaan die "Bybelse Antwoorde" algaande finaal op hierdie Blog-Blad plaas, soos dit op die WhatsApp Groep (met dieselfde Naam) bespreek en hopelik sinvol deurgetrap is.
Die Blad gaan dus deurentyd opgedateer word soos nuwe Geloofsvrae/Antwoorde bygevoeg word. Ons gaan uiteindelik die finale materiaal soos dit op die WhatsApp Groep hanteer word, met die bespreking daarvan, uiteindelik geordend op hierdie Blad publiseer. Sluit gerus steeds hier aan by die Groep en Praat Saam:
Kontak gerus met enige navrae:
Chris Visser,
WhatsApp: +2782764285260
Tel: 0829269364
1.1. Unanswered Prayer - A Video of Pete Graig
🤔Pete shares 3 Factors to consider.
(1) God's World (He knows the bigger picture)
(2) God's Will (Matthew 6:10,33)
(3) God's War (a spiritual War against Satan, Ephesians 6:12-20)
1.2. Onbeantwoorde Gebede bring mense dikwels by die vraag van lyding...
- Waarom is daar lyding?
- Die Bybel noem dit God se tugproses, daarom moet ons Hom bly vertrou (omdat Hy ons liefhet).
- Lees gerus Hebreërs 12:10-12
1.3. Die vraag bly egter aktueel. Hoor God wel as ons Bid?
Luister gerus na hierdie kragtige getuienis
1.4. But What is the Purpose of Prayer?
Read this excellent article from GotQuestions:
- Note: At the end a list of many more articles from QotQuestions are given.
- Note: At the end a list of many more articles from QotQuestions are given.
1.5. Maar waarop behoort ons veral te fokus in ons gebede?
Meeste mense verstaan onder gebed om gunste vir God te vra. Ja, ons mag - Lees Filippense 4:4-6Mens hoor dit by baie biduurgroepe.Die leier sou dikwels vra: Waarvoor bid ons?Dan volg die lysie...Vir gesondheid van siekes. Mense in hospitale, werkloosheid, hulp met finansies of werk ens.
Maar... Wat van veral te fokus op...
- Dankie sê Gebede. (1 Tessalonisense 5:14-18)
- Lofprysings en Aanbiddingsgebede (Verskeie Psalms, vanaf veral Ps 95 en verder)
1.6. Om die Bybel self as Gebedsriglyn te gebruik
- Om te bid volgens die Duidelike Voorbeelde en Opdragte dwarsdeur die Bybel
🔸Jesus' high priestly prayer—John 17. ...🔸Moses and Miriam's song of victory—Exodus 15:1–21. ...🔸Hannah's prayer of praise—1 Samuel 2:1–10. ...🔸Asaph's psalm of despair—Psalm 77. ...🔸David's prayer of repentance—Psalm 51. ...🔸Solomon's prayer of dedication—2 Chronicles 6:14–42.
- Those who kneel before God can stand before anyone
- Every problem has three solutions pray,wait, trust
- Three possible answers.. Yes, no, or not yet...
1.7. Om meer te leer oor gebed / for further Study about Prayer:
1) Testimony from Joni Eareckson Tada: The Nearness of Christ in 50 years of Suffering:
Ek het geweldig baie geleer by hierdie getuienis van Joni Eareckson Tada; Hoe sy moes leer om saam te leef met haar omstandighede as kwadrapleeg te leef; noodwendig eers opstandigheid, later aanvaarding en dat sy meer as 50 jaar later, steeds in haar pyn tye, die Here vertrou en haar krag net in Hom kry.
Deel gerus wat het jy by haar leer?
“Glo maar net - alles sal regkom,” sê hulle. Maar soms kom dit nie reg nie, in elk geval nie soos wat jy gedink het dit behoort reg te kom nie. Wat dan? Ek onthou dat iemand so iets vir my na sy ma se dood gesê het. ‘n Geestelike leier het voor die tyd ‘n paar keer vir hom gesê dat hyself by die Here gehoor het dat sy ma gesond sou word. Hulle moet maar net bly glo. Hy het! Maar toe sterf sy ma en die geestelike leier was skoonveld.Hoe gemaak? Moet jy glo totdat alles regkom, of nie? Ja, natuurlik moet jy glo … altyd, orals en elke dag! Maar jy doen dit nie bloot net sodat “alles sal regkom” nie, want dit hét reeds! ‘n Mens noem dit die kruis! Daar het alles tussen hemel en aarde reggekom. Daar het Jesus alles tussen God en jou reggemaak. Die kruis is die heel grootste “alles sal regkom” en “alles het reggekom”, wat daar is. Omdat alles reeds reg is, kan jy God met jou lewe vertrou en met dié van jou dierbares. Jy kan dit doen, al werk alles nie uit soos wat jy dit beplan het nie.
1.8. gee nog meer oor Gebed
- What is prayer?
- Why pray?
- What is the prayer of salvation?
- What is the Sinner’s Prayer?
- What is the Lord’s prayer and should we pray it?
- Why should our prayers be addressed to “our Father which art in heaven” (Matthew 6:9)?
- What does hallowed be thy name in the Lord’s Prayer mean?
- Why should we ask God to forgive us our debts (Matthew 6:12)?
- Should “for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever” be included in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13)?
- How can we recognize the voice of God?
- Who are we to pray to, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?
- Is it acceptable to repeatedly pray for the same thing, or should we only ask once?
- How can I get my prayers answered by God?
- What is the proper way to pray?
- What is intercessory prayer?
- How can I turn all my worries and problems over to God?
- How can I be sure I am praying according to the will of God?
- What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?
- What is praying in the Spirit?
- Is praying the rosary Scriptural?
- What are some hindrances to a potent prayer life?
- Silent prayer - is it biblical?
- Is corporate prayer important? Is corporate prayer more powerful than an individual praying alone?
- What is contemplative prayer?
- What is soaking prayer?
- What is prayer walking? Is it Biblical to go on a prayer walk?
- What is praying in tongues? Is praying in tongues a prayer language between a believer and God?
- What is the connection between prayer and fasting?
- What is Lectio Divina?
- What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
- How is prayer communicating with God?
- What is the power of prayer?
- Is it acceptable to "lay out a fleece" before God in prayer?
- Is it allowable to use candles in connection with prayer?
- What is the prayer of Jabez?
- What is prophetic prayer?
- What is a prayer labyrinth? Are prayer labyrinths biblical?
- Why did Jesus instruct us to pray “lead us not into temptation” when God states that He does not tempt us?
- Why do we pray before eating meals?
- What is the serenity prayer?
- Why do we end our prayers with "˜Amen'?
- What is imprecatory prayer?
- Why is daily prayer important?
- Why should we pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
- How should a Christian respond to unanswered prayer?
- What does the Bible say about praying to / speaking to the dead?
- What does the Bible say about praying for the dead?
- What is the value of a prayer meeting?
- Does the Bible promote or prohibit praying to angels?
- Why doesn’t the Lord’s Prayer include thanksgiving? Shouldn`t all our prayers include expressions of thankfulness?
- What are prayer beads? Is it okay to use beads while praying?
- How can I become a prayer warrior?
- What is a prayer shawl?
- Is public prayer biblical? Is it okay to pray in public?
- What is the key to effective prayer?
- What is Sozo prayer?
- What is centering prayer?
- What is a prayer cloth?
- What is a prayer closet?
- How can I stop being nervous about praying publicly?
- What is a prayer of supplication?
- What is a novena?
- Is there evidence that God answers prayer?
- What is the meaning and purpose of saying grace before a meal?
- What are the different types of prayer?
- If Jesus condemned the Pharisees for praying out loud, should we pray aloud?
- Are people who claim to talk to God insane?
- What does it mean to pray for our daily bread?
- What is the importance and value of group prayer?
- Does praying Scripture have greater effectiveness than other prayers?
- Does God answer prayers?
- How and why should we pray for our leaders?
- Is there any scriptural basis for praying on behalf of the unsaved?
- What is the Book of Common Prayer?
- What does it mean to watch and pray?
- What sort of prayers should we pray for unbelievers?
- What is the prayer of faith?
- What is an invocation prayer?
- What is warfare prayer?
- What is listening prayer? Are listening prayers biblical?
- What can we learn from the prayers that Jesus prayed?
- Are there any conditions to answered prayer?
- Why is praying for others important?
- Does God hear my prayers?
- Is the ACTS formula for prayer a good way to pray?
- What is the Jesus Prayer?
- What is Hesychasm?
- What is a prayer circle?
- What does it mean to use vain repetitions in prayer?
- What does the Bible say about prayerlessness?
- Why doesn’t God respond when I cry out, “God, please help me!”?
- What is an examen prayer?
- Does prayer change God’s mind?
- What is a prayer vigil?
- Is there anything wrong with repetitive prayer?
- What is the National Day of Prayer?
- What is See You at the Pole (SYATP)?
- Is it biblical to light candles for the dead?
- What are the prayers of the saints in Revelation 5:8?
- What is a morning prayer? What is an evening prayer?
- Is it wrong to pray written prayers?
- What does the Bible say about bowing or kneeling in prayer?
- What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord?
- Why do we need to ask God to deliver us from evil?
- What does it mean to pray, “Thy kingdom come”?
- What does it mean to pray, “Thy will be done”?
- Is the concept of a prayer journal biblical?
- What should I do when God says no?
- What does the Bible say about prayer for the sick?
- What does it mean to pray for your enemies?
- What is fervent prayer (James 5:16)?
- What did Jesus mean when He said He would give us “whatever you ask in my name”?
- What is the purpose of prayer?
- How can I know what to pray for?
- What is the five-finger prayer?
- How does prayer work?
- Is the Now I lay me down to sleep prayer in the Bible?
- What is a prayer chain?
- What does it mean to cry out to the Lord?
- Can people in heaven pray for us?
- Can Satan and/or his demons hear our prayers?
Finally, about Prayer:
- One can learn and write and speak a lot about Prayer.
- But the best is... START PRAYING! Just Do It!
Join us in Practical Prayer for our Ministry:
Die Gay debat en of sommige mense so gebore word
Hierdie is uiteraard 'n sensitiewe Onderwerp waar kerke reeds geskeur het en baie mense mense natuurlik ook al baie seer gekry het. Daarom moet diegene wat hieroor enige bydrae wil lewer of mening wil uitspreek asseblief baie sensitief wees.
Geen neerhalende uitsprake of onsensitiewe veroordeling (wat as haatspraak geklasifiseer kan word), sal toegelaat kan word nie. Dankie vir jou begrip daarvoor.
Ons het tevore reeds 'n BLOG-BLAD oor die Onderwerp geskep. Heelwat vrae en menings is reeds daar gedeel. Ons het in beginsel besluit het om so min as moontlik spesifieke persoonlike menings te gee nie, maar eerder veral te fokus GETUIENISSE van veral Ex-Gay persone wat hulle eie verhale vertel.
Gaan kyk gerus daar. WHEN GAYS MEET JESUS AS LORD
Sekerheid oor die Lewe ná die Dood
Absolute Geloofsekerheid
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