Woensdag 24 Februarie 2021

Ons KoFie-projek neem interessante wendings.

Net weer 'n kort verslaggie oor verskeie nuwe en opwindende wendings met ons KoFie-projek se inisiatiewe.

In die Volgende paar Plasings kan jy meer daaroor lees...

1) Information about a Zoom Course I'm doing.

2) This is our "Pull" initiative. What do you think?

3) Another "Pull" Initiative - A Special Invitation to your Birthday

Information about a Zoom Course I'm doing.


Dit is regtig 'n baie leersame en uitdagende Zoom kursus oor 5 weke:

Mission Media U, an initiative of the Visual Story Network. 

VSN is a tribe of 3800 visual storytellers in 95 countries leading a movement so everyone can encounter Jesus and His kingdom.

It focus on How to use media to accelerate disciple making movements?

Kyk gerus na die twee kort informasie-videos daaroor:

Bid asb. saam daarvoor; nogal heelwat voorbereiding elke week, maar ek leer saam met 40 ander mense van verskillende organisasie oor die wêreld heen opwindende nuwe praktiese inligting by die aanbieders, sowel as by hulle. 

Een van die lesse wat ons geleer het...

Die verskil tussen 'n "PUSH" en "PULL" benadering. 

  • Push, is wanneer mens materiaal so mogge troffe uitstuur sonder spesifieke doelwit en verwagting, bv 'n YouTube preek - en wag en sien hoeveel dit gaan kyk en hoop maar dit is van waarde vir iemand.
  • Pull, is om aanvanklik 'n teikengroep te identifiseer, hulle behoeftes vas te stel en dalk met advertensies spesifiek op hulle te rig. Dan bv. sekere vrae te vra wat die behoefte by hulle gaan skep om antwoorde daarop te gaan soek. 
Deur die nodige antwoorde op skakels te voorsien waarop hulle self kan klik, beleef hulle dat hulle self aksie neem en kan ons daarvandaan met diegene wat reageer 'n verdere pad begin loop. 

Ek het bv. reeds oor die afgelope jare verskeie "antwoorde" op baie "vrae" op ons Blog of op Facebook geplaas. Die "antwoorde" is dus beskikbaar, maar hoe om die persoon met die vraag te verbind met die antwoord, of hom te help om sy vraag self te verstaan en die antwoord daarna op die regte plek te soek. 

Die konsep van om eerder die Pull metode as Push metode te gebruik, dis waaroor dit hier gaan. 
(Lees verder vir meer; ek hoop ek verstaan dit reg 😳 ?)

Another "Pull" Initiative - A Special Invitation to your Birthday

We are always busy trying to connect more people to us via our KoFie.project.

You know at this stage what the purpose of KoFie.Project is... To share the Gospel via Social Media - Look here for more Information 

(How to "Like" our Page and get involved. )

The more people that connect with us, the more opportunity to share the Gospel with them. Therefore we use various methods to connect with people - especially people that never heard about the Good News of the Gospel.

This one is another "Pull" Initiative - Congratulations to your Birthday.

We hope it will work. Please pray for it.

Click underneath for it to open up on Facebook: (You can try it out yourself)

1️⃣ SPECIAL FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY: If you Provide your NAME and BIRTHDAY DATE via Whatsapp (use the WhatsApp botton on top) we will send you ...

Thanks for reading, praying and supporting our ministry on Social Media.
Chris Visser
Koninkryksfokus - KoFie.project

Saterdag 13 Februarie 2021

Billy Graham at the age of 80 - still strong and sharp

Billy Graham at the age of 80, still full out and with passion he challenged people with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The audience a selected group at a Technology Conference in Silicon City 1998. 

The Gospel is the only answer to the questions of sin, suffering and death.  He testified and argued it with conviction.

Thank you Lord that I may share this with the same conviction! 

Are you ready to face the day of your death? Please listen and belief. You are still able to do. https://youtu.be/90mj79GqWhc

Are you ready to face the day of your death? Please listen and belief.

You are still able to do so.

Dinsdag 09 Februarie 2021

A challenge From Kingdom Focus - KoFie.project :

A challenge From Kingdom Focus - KoFie.project : 

For those interested to share the Gospel to our Muslim friends via Social Media...  Please share to your friends and contacts.

Welcome to look to this video; 


That is what we try to do with our KoFie.project. 

Join us at https://www.facebook.com/KoFie.project/

Why not also "like" and follow our Page Conversation with Muslims and also share it with your Muslim contacts. https://www.facebook.com/GodAlsoLovesMuslims

You can send us a message on the WhatsApp Button on the Page or use number +27764285260

Welcome to also look to our Christian Concern for Muslims Website for lots of information and material to use at https://www.ccm.org.za

Strategic Storytelling for Movements.

Interested in a Course on "Strategic Storytelling for Movements."

I am busy with this Storytelling course that change my vision about my Ministry. 

I learn that when one integrate story into every part of your ministry you will better reveal the glory of God, you will show that your message is compelling, you will tell your own story (rather than have someone else tell it for you), and you will see greater fruit in your ministry.

Interested? Contact them...

Through Mission Media U, they offer a five-week course on “Strategic Storytelling for Movements.” 


Lord Jesus, I pray that everyone who reads this will learn story, love story, live story and give story.

Clyde Taber from “Strategic Storytelling for Movements.” 

September 2020


FOR THOSE INTERESTED: Get Started Using Story

Get Started Using Story
Begin your story journey now by taking the Story Challenge.
Click the Story Challenge button and then click through the 10 steps.
Become a Student of Story.
Be a Story Listener.
Be a Story Curator.
Be a Story Teller.
Be a Story Sharer.
Be a Story Creator.
Be One Who Lives The Story.

  • Take a Course.
  • Create a Culture of Story Within Your Organization.
  • Check Out Additional Resources.

Maandag 08 Februarie 2021

Short Bible study / Devotion on Matt 9:35

Ivan Krishna, chairman of our CCM Executive, lead us in a short devotion on this text Matt 9:35. Enjoy it.

Matt 9:35 Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.

36 Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He *said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”

Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every sickness


  1.  Going through all the cities and villages,
    1. There were 204 cities and villages in Galilee ( according to Josephus)
    2. This meant that in a very short time of less than 2 years the Lord Jesus went through them all
    3. This shows extreme hard work in ministry for the Lord. He was not lazy
    4. Furthermore, He would expect His disciple to pick up the baton from Him after His death, so He led by example.
    5. Application:
      1. If we are to be worthy disciples of Christ, may we not be lazy- that would be a poor reflection, misrepresentation of the Lord we serve
      2. If we are to be faithful to the calling God calls us to, we must work hard and make every minute of the day count. Many go to their graves not having finished the work [c.f. John 17:4; 2 Tim. 4:5,7]
      3. The energy & momentum of the CCM Executive will spiral out like a ripple effect when a stone is thrown in a pond. Never underestimate the impact the Executive members have on the entire network. We have the potential to inspire many to hard work or to subtly endorse passivity and laziness by our example
  2. Teaching & proclaiming
    1. The most important aspect of ministry is the announcement of the Good News- The Gospel
    2. This Gospel takes the shape of the whole of Scripture to Believers and is narrowed to the Atonement for unbelievers
    3. We can other things that will add to the ultimate goal of teaching and preaching such as skits/ dramas/ songs but the main instrument God uses to change lives is The Word of God [2 Tim 4:1-4; James 1:21; Romans 1:16,17; 1 Cor. 15:2
    4. In these 2 words, it seems the Lord taught the believers and evangelised the non believers at the same time. He taught and evangelised together
      1. He taught the disciples then demonstrated to them how to evangelise
      2. Application: CCM’s ministry must be 2 fold
        1. Provide training & resources for believers on how and what of Muslim evangelism
        2. Starting from the Executive, we must lead the way for evangelism of Muslims. We cannot be closet evangelists or theoretical missionaries
  3.  Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them
      1. because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd
        1. This deep brokenness for the lostness and hell-bound state of the unbelievers was felt powerfully by the Lord Jesus
        2. Application:
          1. We too, must be moved to compassion for every unbeliever we meet. It must be automatic. The closer you come to Christ the more you will share His heart. So compassion for the lost is a reflection of our relationship with Christ
          2. The entire CCM network must be fundamentally characterised by compassion. Whether it is apologetics or evangelism, the essential motivation must be compassion
  4. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
    1. Like then, we too today are so short of labourers. But the harvest is not short or getting any less. In fact they are growing in number. This statement true for general evangelism but is 100 times truer for Muslim evangelism
    2. Application:
      1. As an Exec we need a catalyst for getting the network to duplicate itself. We need to provide the motivation, guidelines and the accountability
      2. All the wealth of experience and knowledge in this difficult ministry is being held by just a few. As an Exec we need a transfer mechanism to be put in place to take selected individuals under our wing and disciple them. We really do owe it to the next generation to have a ministry transfer process so that they are not left on the back foot
  5. Plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.
    1. The Lord tells His disciples that prayer for workers (and prayer in general) must accompany their ministry
    2. Clearly the workforce comes as an answer to prayer
    3. Application:
      1. The lack of workers in the area of Muslim evangelism should trouble us. Thus, this should be a regular activity as an Executive to be praying for labourers
  6. Jesus summoned His twelve disciples
    1. The disciples became the answer to their own prayer
    2. Again, this is the Lord showing them that they need to lead the ministry of teaching & proclamation by example.
    3. Furthermore, even if God sends no one they must continue in this practical work
    4. Application
      1. As the Exec, we must practice teaching & personal evangelism ourselves
      2. We must demonstrate with experience and knowledge what we stand for to the network of partners we lead
      3. CCM partners must be known for an Active, personal and practical Muslim evangelism 

Vrydag 05 Februarie 2021

Februarie 2021 - tyd vir 'n nuwe Verslag van ons KoFie-projek

Liewe Koninkryksfokus en KoFie-projek vriende, 

Ons is steeds besig met ons Kofie-projek (Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie) - waar ons die evangelie deel met veral onbereikte mense wêreldwyd. Dit bly steeds 'n wonderlike oop deur met baie geleenthede en mens kan nie uitgepraat raak daaroor nie. 

Gedurende die afgelope jaar het dinge net gegroei. Die Internet bly "a Window of Opportunity" - net altyd nuwe geleenthede, om mense te vertel van die Liefde van God deur Jesus Christus. (Onthou jy nog die Groot Opdrag van Jesus - Die Sleutelterme... Gaan, Evangelie van die Koninkryk, Alle Nasies, Verkondig, Getuienis te hoor, Maak Dissipels, Leer hulle... 

En die Beloftes daar rondom - Ek is by julle al die dae, Julle sal krag ontvang, Sy Woord sal nooit ledig terugkeer... 

Sjoe! Is jy ook opgewonde om deel daarvan te wees?

Net DRIE kort verslaggies van ons KoFie.projek die afgelope ruk:

Lees gerus saam en geniet dit. Klik op die skakels om self te kyk.

1. Op die Blad:  Conversation with Muslims:

Kort en spontane getuienis wat ek ontvang en verder deur 'n advertensie op Facebook gedeel het aan mense hoofsaaklik van Muslim-lande. Die persoon getuig van sy soeke na liefde en 'n vaderfiguur, wat Allah nie kan bied nie, tot hy dit in die Evangelie by Jesus gevind het.
Wat was die resultate?
  • Dit was gesien deur 12,797 mense;
  • Aantal response: 3472 (meesal "likes", maar ook 50 wat persoonlike kommentaar gelewer het; Die mense wat die Post "like" word daarna uitgenooi word om ook die Blad self te "like"; die wat dit aanvaar, word dan geregistreerde lede op die blad en kan toekomstige plasings ook volg; Ons Blad ledetal hier staan tans op 11,083 sulke Followers).
  • Hoe lees mens so 'n post en die uitkoms daarvan? Wel, die 50 wat kommentaar lewer, baie wel negatief en kwaad oor nog 'n Moslem wat getuig dat hy die lig gesien het, met hulle kommentaar wat soms skerp kan wees teenoor so iemand, hulle moet beslis weer dink. Dat 3472 mense (op 'n hoofsaaklike Moslem-blad), hulle stem so baie baie sterk laat uitkom deur so 'n getuienis te bevestig met hulle "like", dus "hande te klap" en aan die manne van hulle vorige geloof te sê waar hulle nou staan - dit is die sterkste manier om Muslims weer te laat dink oor hulle eie stand van geloof.
2. On the Page: African Kingdom Disciples of Jesus
Message of Evangelist Stephan Lungu's death and his life story with a testimony on video. He was known as the Billy Graham of Africa and there was large interest in his testimony that was viewed by many.
The Results for this Advertisement:
  • People reached: 28,632
  • People engaged: 3,799 (that include 3,500 "likes" with many that looked to the video).
  • Many people join this Page as followers. This Page now grew to 4,124 Followers.
3. On the Page: Praise God all over the world where the Spirit is moving.
A post about a Hallelujah choir with the name: Technology for praise to God...
💥HALLELUJAH...💥  It gives glory to God, with many thousand people involved in the choir via Internet communication.
The Results for this Advertisement:
  • People reached: 91,091
  • People engaged: 30,894
  • Tru-Plays : 5,600 actually looking to the video
  • Likes: 366
  • Comments: 28
  • Shares: 149
  • This Page now grew to 4,728 followers.
4. Our WhatsApp Ministry increases tremendously.
  • The last few months we started to add a WhatsApp button on our Facebook Pages. We We found that more and more people responded to our WhatsApp numbers from the Facebook Pages with questions or comments. We can also add such contacts on a specific WhatsApp Group for future communication. (Our WhatsApp Groups grew during . May be the reason is that its more secure than comments on Facebook. the last few weeks since it was implemented we grew to 1480 total contacts).
  • You are welcome to contact us on WhatsApp or refer our number to people that would use it (Kingdom Focus +27764285260 or We Share God's Love +27 79 0899391)
5. We Also implemented a Telegram service lately. 👉Join Group chat at https://t.me/joinchat/VqXw-fCI2ms6cUf7

6. Contact detail and to Join in our Prayer support Groups...

Thanks for reading our newsletter...
(To show your interest and that you read it... please respond with...😉😡💓 )
Chris Visser,
Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus KoFie.project
Tel 0829269364

We Need More Prayer Support for our KoFie-project Ministry

By this time you know about our Ministry to Share the Gospel via Social Media. For more info ...

Go to 👉 https://www.facebook.com/KoFie.project/

🛐No ministry can be Fruitful without the care and blessing of God; without God's overseeing and protection. That's why Jesus show us the model (Mk 1:35, Mk 6:46, Mk 14:32) and teach us how to pray (Luk 11:1).🛐
💢Jesus also give us the promise in Luk 11:9 “So I tell you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
🛐Can I invite you to join us as PRAYER Supporters for this ministry. You can join any of the following Groups...
👉Telegram - KoFie.project Prayer Support:
💢Facebook Groups: Join any of our Prayer Support Groups here...
👉Pray for Internet Evangelism to Muslims -
👉Pray for Internet Evangelism to All People -

Online Course in Foundations of Media to Movements

As part of our KoFie-project I was invited to join this Online course to learn more about Social Media Evangelism and Discipleship.

The purpose why I want to do it is... IMPROVE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS

Yes, I look forward to do this Course over 5 weeks (starting 18th February): 

Welcome to look to this Video and join me in Support and Prayer. 

My most important Prayer requests at this time, beginning 2021 amidst of Covid etc.

1) We have a very big number of Contacts that we reach, but not many responders that make an open commitment  to follow Christ and being willing for further Discipleship. Pray for wisdom hoe to change our methods and the Holy Spirit touching more people's hearts.

2) We need more helpers; people to join us in Prayer and be part of our Admin and follow up team.

3) Some person or people to commit to take the ministry further when the time comes that I personally won't be able to continue further due to possible physical reasons (over a year or ten?)


Chris Visser,

Koninkryksfokus - KoFie.project

vischris@gmail.com / 0829269364

Filling Young Skulls with Scripture (Forward from Shane Bennett)

Someone forward this to you? Sign up for free here

For a short, but wonderful season some years ago, I lived in northern Pakistan in the lovely city of Bradford, England. One of a long list of poignant memories of our curry-scented neighborhood was watching the local kiddos, dressed in white, streaming resolutely to mosque school each afternoon.

I didn’t know all that happened there. Still don’t, in fact. 

Apparently, in some Islamic schools, kids learn nasty little songs about cutting people’s heads off. Lacking the language skills to properly pursue the prevalence of this, I’m going to assume that’s not the main thing after school Islamic training prioritizes. 

Memorizing the Quran, up to the whole book, is another task of such programs. This intrigues me. Granted, most Muslim kids likely memorize in a language they don’t speak. And my conviction is that doing must be coupled with knowing. But still, that’s an ambitious task.

Can you imagine your pastor announcing that for the next year youth group will focus on memorizing the whole Bible?!? Makes me laugh just to think of it!

My wife and I led our church’s middle school youth group last night. We fussed and fretted over how to communicate the main points of the Bible story (The clearly low-hanging fruit of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego!), while maintaining the kiddos’ interest. I even set my hand on fire to communicate the lesson!

Jesus went to great lengths to communicate in ways that would stick. We should too. But maybe we sell our kids short? Maybe we could raise the bar, at least for some kids? What if we asked them to memorize some of the Bible? All of it? (AWANA parents and kids: Keep up the good work!)

It will be a gut punch if a Muslim kid in college kindly tells my kid he’s memorized the entire Quran and asked why my kid hasn’t memorized the Bible. 

Well, now I’m feeling pretty convicted. I’m off to memorize life-giving scripture with my kiddos. 


Maandag 01 Februarie 2021



💥Information about our ministry Kingdom Focus - KoFie.project 👉Blog https://koninkryksfokus.blogspot.com 👉go to https://www.facebook.com/KoFie.project/ 💢To Get Involved in our Ministry, Buy a Book or make a Donation, go to https://koninkryksfokus.blogspot.com/2021/01/how-to-get-involved-with-kofieproject.html 💥CONTACT US AT... 👉WhatsApp (+27 790899391) 👉Join Group chat at https://t.me/joinchat/VqXw-fCI2ms6cUf7