Saturday, December 31, 2022

Bid saam met ons en vir ons Kofie-Projek


Bid saam met ons en vir ons Kofie-Projek.

UITNODIGING - Kom word deel! WhatsApp Groep:
      πŸ›GEBED/PRAYER @KoFieπŸ›
Bid saam met ons en vir ons KoFie-Projek 2023.☕
πŸ‘‰KoFie = Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie
Sharing the Gospel via Social Media
Join us in praying for us and our Kofie Project
Read more about the Power of PRAYER: 
All for His Glory and Kingdom , 
Chris Visser, 
Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus
*Selfoon +27829269364
*Whatsapp +27764285260 (save number) 

Join to Unite the World in Prayer


Sunday, December 11, 2022

My oortuiging as Christen rondom die politiek nou...

Ek is as Christen oortuig dat ons die ouens ernstig moet ondersteun in die komende verkiesings. 

Neil de Beer van die United Independant Movement (UIM)

Kyk gerus na die opname en besluit self.

I plan to read "Kingdom Disciples With Tony Evans" (a 6 days You Version Bible Plan) from tomorrow - Monday (12 December

But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:33 NET

I plan to read "Kingdom Disciples With Tony Evans" (a 6 days You Version Bible Plan)

from tomorrow - Monday (12 December - 18 December) and want to invite you to join me.

Please respond if you like to join.

Chris Visser,

Kingdom Focus - Koninkryksfokus above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you a

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Welkom om op KONINKRYKSFOKUS se You-Tube kanaal te REGISTREER

Ons maak tans verskeie Video-opnames van Persone met Besondere Getuienisse van hoe die Here hulle geroep het en gebruik in merkwaardige Bedienings. 

Om seker te maak jy mis nie enige van ons toekomstige Video's nie...


Klik op die Logo hieronder of op die Skakel

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Kort verslag van ons KoFie-Projek - Kom saam!

A Short Report of our KoFie-Project Ministry...


We Share and Boost (advertised) this post on Facebook.

πŸ‘‰On our Page CONVERSATION WITH MUSLIMS (with already more than 12,000 Followers)

✴️This Post is specially focuses on People in Muslim dominated countries, and after just ONE DAY, the post was viewed by more than 11,000 people. (The cost for this Adv over 5 days is just R100)

πŸ€”Imagine how many more can be reached with a R500 Adv. or a number of smaller R100 adv. till Christmas.

πŸ’₯Welcome to join this Social Media outreach by KoFie-Project through PRAYER and by a ONE TIME FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION.

To make a contribution you can use this link...

Look to this post on Facebook:

Monday, October 31, 2022

A Report of our WhatsApp and Facebook Ministry focuses on Muslims

Why All this Information?

This is part of our KoFie.project Social Media Ministry.

Please be inspired, pray, join, support... Whatever!

Why this Social Media Ministry?

Let's use whatever platform is available to communicate with our Muslim friends and share the Good News that we received by Grace through Faith from our Lord Jesus Christ.

1) WHATSAPP - Invitation to our WhatsApp Welcome Group...

On the Welcome Group you can be updated to all the other initiatives on the more than 12 Groups that we administrate on WhatsApp. We are joined by a wonderful dedicated like-minded team of volunteers from all over the world - all with the same purpose: Sharing the Good News to others.

The move on the WhatsApp platform grows day by day, with many other similar Groups initiate by others, some from Muslim initiatives. We can join those Groups as well and try to make a contribution there also.
In total there are now more than 2000 people as members on the various Groups (yes, some are on more than one Group and will be added more than once). Only the Holy Spirit knows the results of all this sharing and debating (and some times even "fighting") for the truth of the Gospel.

2) FACEBOK - A short report about our Facebook ministry

1) How to understand the Bible - still very popular among Muslims. This post on Facebook "HOW TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE" was reached (appear on the screens) of 269 people (2,8 times greater than the average after only 4 days).

2) One of my favourite watched posts on Facebook from last week... (230 watched in 3 days) The story of Nabeel Qureshi and how he explained the Trinity.

Note: Should we be able to ADVERTISE (BOOST) such posts - usually only a R100 advertisement cost over 5 days - we would expect a reached of 5,000 to 10,000 watched.  [So, this is an open invitation for an one time investment in such an outreach - If anybody want to make such a contribution... Use the SnapScan or Bank info on the Blog (or support us by buying a Book on our Bookshop)  or use

Some advice in communicating the Gospel to Muslims.
1) Share your story (testimony) of what Jesus means for you - rather than debate about who's religion are the truth.

2) Ask Questions to Muslims, rather than making statements.
(Like... Hallo friend, Is it true that the Quran never mentioned Allah as a Father that loves Muslims as his children?
In the Bible we learn that God is our heavenly Father that loves us - Read John 3:16)

3) Share the Gospel message and how it effects and supports your everyday life - rather than debate...

An example post I shared last week...
πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♂️Hallo friend, may I share with you where I get help for all my fears, needs and questions for life?
πŸ€—From the ONE who said...
 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
😊Do you know who He is?πŸ‘€❓
Read more about Him here... John 14:6 NET

Thanks for reading! Be blessed in the Lord!

Chris Visser

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Take note of our Latest Projects and Material

Just click here...

Chris Visser van KoFie-projek deel sy lewensgetuienis- Roeping en God se Voorsiening

‘n Getuienis/Verslag van KoFie-projek :

Luister gerus in hierdie sessie na ‘n Gesprek met Chris Visser oor 'n Getuienis van sy lewenspad, oor Geloofsekerheid en hoe die Here hom vir voltydse bediening Geroep en daarvoor Voorsien het.
Chris se Lewensgetuisnis is ook as eBoek beskikbaar: “Chrisjan Visserman & Jabes - van Somergroen af... tot in die uithoeke van die WΓͺreld". • Hierdie boek sowel as al Chris se ander boeke asook verskeie ander boeke en leesmateriaal kan van ons Boekwinkel afgelaai word...
(Prys van ons boeke: Slegs ‘n Donasie van jou keuse;
Alle inkomste/betalings gaan vir ons KoFie-bediening = Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie)
• Ons Boekwinkel is beskikbaar by …
• Om enige Betalings of Donasies te maak vir KoFie-projek, gebruik Vir meer Informasie, Kontak Chris Visser van KoFie-Projek by… • eMail: • Selfoon +27-0829269364

THE 3 FORGOTTEN FRONTIERS of modern missions

THE 3 FORGOTTEN FRONTIERS of modern missions

Read all about it here...

Friday, October 21, 2022

Koninkryksfokus Inligting. Welkom om te "Connect"


Chris Visser (VisChris)

Ambassadeur van die Koning (2Kor 5:20)

Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus

Is Sending nog erns vir die kerk?

 Ek het onlangs die volgende op Facebook geplaas. 

Wat my teleurstel is dat daar so min respons was. Dis asof Sending net nie meer predikante, gemeentes en gelowiges se belangstelling aangryp nie. Of is ek verkeerd.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A New Post on our Blog - ANSWERING ATHEISTS


Look to this latest post on our Blog: 

An interesting Video. Why not take some time and look at it?

Welcome to join the WhatsApp Group with the same Name...

Thursday, September 29, 2022



Islam evangelisasie is nie baie gewild in ons kerke nie. 

Waarom nie?   

Die Sendingopdrag aan Alle Nasies, dit sluit tog hulle in!  

Of skrum ons weg omdat ons bang is vir hulle? Of net Onseker?

Dalk Onkunde?  Gebrek aan kennis!?

Of is dit net Onbelangrik vir my! Ek is met goeie Christelike dinge besig in my gemeente-program. Islam is dus nie deel van my belangstellingsveld nie!?

Maar... Christene is vir Islam baie belangrik! Hulle weet en leer "alles" van die Christendom deur hulle leiers - Of so dink hulle...!

Want wat hulle leer is totaal verkeerd is - bv. Ons Bybel is "korrup", vol mensgemaakte veranderings wat na Jesus se tyd ontstaan het, deur Christene soos veral Paulus, wat die wet van Moses - soos deur Jesus bevestig - verander het ens.

Hulle Quran, wat volgens hulle tradisie deur God (hulle noem hom Allah) aan die profeet en boodskapper van Allah (Muhammad) deur 'n engel oorgedra is... Daai boek, foutloos bewaar deur Allah in die hemel en so deurgegee aan Muhammad, wat nie self kon skryf nie, maar dit "foutloos" mondelings oorgedra het aan ander wat dit weer verder oorvertel het en uiteindelik steeds "foutloos" tot die manuskrip van vandag toe, en daai Boek word die enigste waarheid vir Islam om die Christendom en die Bybel te beoordeel. 

πŸ‘‰❓[Nog nie eers genoem van die rol wat die Tradisies speel nie (dit wat Muhammed verder sou geleer en volgens sy voorbeeld nagevolg moet word), bv die Hadiths , duisende baie ekstra stories wat die Quran eintlik interpreteer en hulle godsdienstige leer daarvolgens bepaal ens.]

πŸ˜ƒL.W. Islam sien hulleself as 'n meerderwaardige godsdiens (volgens die Quran sien hulle neer op die Christendom (wat hulle verstaan as die Westerse wΓͺreld, Hollywood, sedelose mensdom wat hulle behoort te skaam oor hulle God se boek so verander het - dat Christene selfs wil voorgee dat God sou toelaat dat profeet Jesus gekruisig sou word. Dus verwerp hulle die kruisiging (en Jesus se opstanding). Volgens hulle was Jesus slegs 'n profeet en nie die Seun van God en onmoontlik ook nie God nie. 

Dus, veral die leer van die Drie-Eenheid is "shirk" want God is net EEN! 

Maar, sΓͺ Islam geleerdes, ons Bybel het wel na Muhammad se koms verwys (dan is die Bybel wel goed genoeg om aangehaal te word; Inteendeel, hulle gee voor dat hulle die Bybel ken, natuurlik net tekse wat meesal totaal buite verband aangehaal word, maar gebruik word om te toon hoe baie weersprekings en foute daar dan in die Bybel sou wees).

πŸ₯ΈDus...'n deurmekaar Godsdiens en Boek waarop hulle roem en wat ons moet probeer ken en verstaan om na hulle deur te dring...

πŸ‘‘As hulpmiddel vir Christene om meer te leer, maar ook om iets in die hand te hΓͺ om aan 'n Moslem deur te gee... gebruik en lees gerus die Boek-op-die-Blog: GOD & ISLAM - FACTS & MYTHS.

Ongelukkig het Facebook die Skakel van die boek geblok...

Alternatiewe Skakels:

πŸ’₯ Welcome to read our eBook for Free: 


It is divided in Various Sections here.

Choose the topic that interest you...

πŸ‘‰1 - BIBLE:

πŸ‘‰2 - QURAN:


πŸ‘‰4 - JESUS:

πŸ‘‰5 - TRINITY:

πŸ‘‰6 -

πŸ‘‰7 -

πŸ‘‰8 -

πŸ‘‰9 - Questions to Islam:

πŸ‘‰10 -


πŸ‘‘Kyk ook gerus na hierdie Webwerf van Samuel Green...

Kyk na sy eerste video oor die onderwerp: 


WHATSAPP GROUP: Let's Share God's love 2M

As dit jou kennis en belangstelling uitdaag en prikkel, en jy wil meer leer, word gerus deel van die WhatsApp Groep wat spesifiek hierop fokus... Om meer oor Islam te leer en te besin oor die mees effektiefste maniere hoe om na hulle uit te reik...

Lees hieronder daaroor meer...

πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♂️ Hallo friends in Christ. 

About our Group: Let's Share God's love 2M 

Please invite yourselfπŸ₯° and individual friends that you think are the right people to be part of this Group. (But... Don't make those invites too open. Please pray about each one and consider their love for the Lord, but also their history, passion and experience for this ministry.)


Go To

Kennis oor Islam - Vraelys

Goeie dag Koninkryksfokus vriend,

Mag ek jou dringende aandag vra oor 'n belangrike saak... ISLAM

Dalk stel jy min in Islam belang, maar... hulle stel baie, baie in ons belang; Hulle het groot planne met die WΓͺreld en met Afrika, veral ook Suid-Afrika en ons buurlande... met elkeen van ons... Weet jy genoeg daarvan? 

Doen gerus die Vraelys oor Islam en kyk hoe jy doen.

Ek wil jou ook uitnooi na ons KoFie-Projek op Telegram hier.

Friday, September 23, 2022


Lulu, a six-year-old Scottish girl wrote a letter to God asking him how he got invented?” Lulu's father, not a believer, sent her letter to church leaders: the Scottish Episcopal Church (no reply), the Presbyterians (no reply), and the Scottish Catholics (who sent a theologically complex reply). He also sent it to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who sent the following letter: Dear Lulu: Your dad sent on your letter and asked if I have any answers. It is a difficult one! But I think God might reply a bit like this –

‘Dear Lulu – Nobody invented me – but lots of people discovered me and were quite surprised. They discovered me when they looked round at the world and thought it was beautiful or mysterious and wondered where it came from. They discovered me when they were quiet on their own and felt a sort of peace and love they had not expected. They invented ideas about me – some of them sensible, some of them not very sensible. 

At times I sent them some hints – especially the life of Jesus – to help them get closer to what I am really like. But there was nothing and nobody around before me to invent me. Like somebody who writes a story in a book, I started making up the story of the world and eventually invented human beings like you who could ask me awkward questions!’

Then he would send you lots of love and sign off. I know he does not usually write letters, so I must do the best I can on his behalf. Lots of love from me too. 

Archbishop Rowan – from a news story in the Telegraph

This is what I call real theology! It shows us we do not need theological specialists to make the faith more complicated and obscure, but to help us grasp how simple it is?

Thursday, September 22, 2022




A Cold Case Approach to the Resurrection. via the Faithlife Ebooks Android app.

I was a committed atheist when I first heard a pastor preach a sermon that described the resurrection of Jesus. This pastor seemed to actually believe Jesus rose from the dead and was still alive today. I assumed it was just another example of “blind faith”; another well-intentioned church leader believing something for which he had no supporting evidence. 

Worse yet, I suspected he possessed an “unreasonable faith” and trusted something in spite of the evidence.

I was familiar with the rules of evidence and the process by which we can determine the truth about past events. 

As a detective, I was doing this for a living. I decided to investigate the resurrection as I would any unsolved case from the distant past. My journey led me out of atheism to the truth of Christianity. 

As I applied my skills as a detective, I became more convinced that the New Testament gospel accounts reliably describe the life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. I bet you’ll come to the same conclusion if you take the time to examine the evidence and the explanations offered for the resurrection of Jesus.


As a detective, I often employ a methodology known as abductive reasoning (also known as “inferring to the most reasonable explanation”) in order to determine what I have at a crime scene.

(Search this book and read it all! 

Look at

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Thanks for your participation in the Islam Quiz.

Thanks for everybody that participate in the Islam Quiz. 

πŸ€”If you don't score more than 8/10... Why not join us in the 

Online Course TRUTH in LOVE. πŸ‘€

Together we can learn more! πŸ€—

πŸ‘‰You can Register here...

Welcome to contact me with any questions,

Chris at WhatsApp +27764285260

Or Email:

QUIZ ABOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF ISLAM. Why not test your Islam Awareness.

Goeie dag Koninkryksfokus vriende.../Hallo Kingdom Focus friends, 

Islam became more and more on the radar of World events, but also more locally very near to us. 

I just received this prayer request from a pastor in Mozambique...

πŸ›[Pls pray urgently for our workers and the believers in North Mozambique. The insurgency has started to attack villages further down from their last position. They are very close to where our teams are working. The situation is dire and need our prayers. Thanks Past I.]

How much is your experience with Islam and what do you know about Muslims in general?

πŸ€”Why not test it with this Islam Awareness Questionnaire: 😊


(Only a few Questions; it won't need more than ±3 minutes)

πŸ‘‰Please read further and also look to the Special Offer at the end. I'm sure you will be interestedπŸ‘€

Friday, September 16, 2022

The 6,000s (Part 4: Adam & Eve Found; They Are Young!)

The 6,000s (Part 4: Adam & Eve Found; They Are Young!)

Iets wonderbaarlik gebeur tans …

Iets wonderbaarlik gebeur tans …

Since 2017, our YouVersion Community has generously given to Bible for Everyone—a movement focused on providing every person on the planet access to Scripture.

And, we just reached a huge milestone. Together, we’ve contributed to funding translations for 100 languages in 36 countries!

Lees meer daaroor hier. 

Iets wonderbaarlik ge

Friday, September 2, 2022

‘Let’s Get Real: Examining the Evidence for God.’

As part of our effort to help Christians and especially kids in their efforts to Answer Atheists (See our Page on this Blog Answering Atheists)

A12-lesson online course called ‘Let’s Get Real: Examining the Evidence for God.’ This course will build your kid's confidence in their Christian faith with its easy-to-understand presentation of the evidence for Christ. As a result, your 6th-8th grader will become equipped not only to understand their faith for themselves, but to understand it in such a way that they can easily share their newfound understanding! They will know that Christianity is true and not just made-up stories – that Christianity isn’t just an opinion, but a worldview based on FACTS.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Introducing our New Page: Answering Atheists

Welcome to visit the New Page on our Blog...


Al KoFie-Projek se Facebook Blaaie


Hier volg 'n Volledige Lys van Ons Facebook Blaaie.  Besoek gerus ons enige van die Blaaie waarop jy sou belangstel om te kyk wat elke Blad behels deur daarop te klik. Kyk veral op die "About section", die aantal "Followers" ens. 

As jy die Blad oopmaak, "Like" gerus die Blad (dis hoe mens Registreer) en begin lees en neem deel. (as jy op ons Admin Groep vir so 'n Blad wil betrokke raak, kontak my asb. persoonlik) - Die "like" knoppie verskyn onder aan elke Blad se Logo.


African Kingdom Disciples of Jesus

Mzansi Good News of Truth

Kingdom Focus News & Tools 
Positive Politics - Rather Build than Break our South Africa

Bonnes Nouvelles pour les Francophones.

Praise God all over the world where the Spirit is moving.

For more information about KoFie-Project please visit our Blog


  • Tel 0829269364
  • WhatsApp: +27764285260
  • epos:

Where do Natural Laws come from?

Where do Natural Laws come from?

Atheists claim that everything can be explained by the laws of nature. But what explains the laws of nature? Where do they come from, and why are they so consistent and precise? Here is my very short answer to that question in an exchange with a college student. This is posted as a YouTube Short, which is attracting a lot attention reaching nearly two million views. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Bekendstelling van Koninkryksfokus se KoFie-projek

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Join our Facebook Group: Koninkryksfokus-Kingdom Focus

Koninkryksfokus-Kingdom Focus

Welkom om by die Groep in te skakel. Kyk gerus!

You are welcome to join this Group! Why not?

Die Uitdaging is Groot, maar saam kan ons dit aandurf!

This Group wants to challenge, motivate, and equip Christians for more effective witness and involvement in the Kingdom of God.

Die Groep wil Christen-gelowiges uitdaag, motiveer en toerus tot meer effektiewe getuienis en betrokkenheid vir die koms van die Koninkryk van God.

Doelwit: Om uitstaande preke en artikels te plaas van Top Aanbieders,
Soos hierdie jongste Tema... Hoekom lyk die wΓͺreld so?

Monday, August 1, 2022

Download the Book now FREE of charge : GOD & ISLAM - FACTS & MYTHS

Download the Book now FREE of charge


This Book can now be read Free of charge. 

The next one to open the book will be...


Please read, share and use!

To Buy: Pittman TipX Deluxe Pistol Kit For Paintball & Self Defence

 Anybody Interested... Special... Make me an offer!

Contact me at 0829269364

Contact me for Payment and Delivery at 0829269364
Prefer that Buyer Pick it up with Cash Payment but Delivery can be Arranged.

Friday, July 15, 2022

A Confession, a Request, and a Challenge

Today at A Confession, a Request, and a Challenge (A worthy Reading)

I’ve been a Christian for almost 48 years. At different times in my journey, the Lord has grabbed my heart, shaken my soul, and broken me for His glory. I’m convinced He is in that process again – this time, working me over to bring me to the place where my heart is sliced in two by the lostness of people around me and around the world. 

I can’t explain it. God has simply burdened me for non-believers more deeply than I’ve experienced since I was a new believer many years ago. (Read more here)

A Confession, a Request, and a Challenge

KoFie-Project: Introducing our WhatsApp Community

πŸ™‹‍♂️Welcome to our WhatsApp community.

Dear Friend, You are welcome as part of our WhatsApp Community. You are invited to visit any of our WhatsApp Group's to have Conversations about specific Issues about our faith.

Always remember... Respect for each other and for the Faith and the God that you say you Represent. 


(Just click on the  blue Link of the Group you want to join)

★Is Islam False?-


★Muslims Encounter God-

★Read Free Resources-


★Issa vs Jesus-

It's Time to Rebuild - Dis tyd om saam met BID, ook AKSIE te neem!

Ek het hierdie post van Feba Radio ontdek en voel om dit net met jou te deel. Ek sal dit nie self beter kan skryf nie.

Believers sometimes struggle to understand the book of Nehemiah because of its “dark nature”. In a nutshell, Nehemiah is about rebuilding the city walls of Jerusalem that were torn down with the invasion of the Babylonians, just before the exile. The restored walls had symbolic value for the Israelites. It brought physical protection against hostile intrusion, but it was above all a sign of faith restoration and unity. After all, God originally singled out the Israelites as a model to follow for all the gentiles around them.

I hear Christians so often refer to them praying with a need in mind, but their prayers are not answered. It causes them to lose heart, and unfortunately many also lose their faith in the process! The biggest mistake Christians make is to forget that God also expects us to take action as we continue to enter into prayer with Him. Nehemiah was prayer- as well as action-driven.

Lees dit self verder.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Hulpmiddels vir 'n gemeente se Evangelisasietaak

 Hulpmiddels vir jul gemeente se Evangelisasietaak

Enersyds wil mens nie voorbarig wees en maak of mens beter weet nie. Andersyds wil ek graag deel wat wel beskikbaar is aan gemeentes se leiers of sommer net aan jou as enkel lidmaat wat hulp soek om jou getuienistaak beter uit te voer. 

Hiermee dus 'n paar getoetsde hulpmiddels wat ek met vrymoedigheid aanbeveel:

1. My boek... geskryf na baie jare se praktiese ervaring in sending-mobilisering en deelname. Laai die boek met vrymoedigheid gratis af, lees en gebruik wat jy kan.
 Netso stuur Ek julle ook... Om koninklike priesters van God te wees. 

2. Materiaal op ons Blog: Koninkryksfokus 3. Materiaal ontwikkel deur ons Sosiale Media bediening: 
πŸ’₯Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus KoFie-Project.
  • We doing this under the logo KoFie-project, especially via Social Media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram etc. 
  • Our various Facebook (FB) Pages focussing on the different People groups worldwide. 
πŸ’₯Our Facebook Main Page <Kingdom Focus News & Tools> 
  • This Page Give Information and Resources to mobilize, motivate and challenge us all as believers to enhance the Kingdom of Christ by sharing the Gospel according to the Great Commission of Jesus in Mat 28:18-20.
😊To get involved why not join and "like" any of our Pages or Groups. 
😊 Visit and like our Facebook Pages about Islam Evangelism
πŸ‘‰Join our Telegram Group for Islam Evangelism

4. Materiaal beskikbaar op die Internet. 
5. Join to Pray for Our Ministry: See our Prayer Support Groups underneath: 

πŸ‘‰ Pray for Internet-Evangelism to Muslims: Register and Pray for Internet-Evangelism to Muslims at 

πŸ‘‰ Join our WhatsApp Group: Participants register on the WhatsApp Number: +27 76 428 5260  with their name and the message “KoFie-Pray”.  

πŸ‘‰ Join our Telegram prayer support group:

6. Partner Financially with our KoFie.project.

We Finance our Ministry by DONATIONS or SELLING our BOOKS: 
  • To Partner in our Ministry, Buy a book at our Bookshop and thanks...
  • You help cover our ministry cost. 
πŸ‘‰ Click here for our Banking details

7. Welcome to Contact us for any support. 
πŸ‘‰Join us on WhatsApp at +27764285260
πŸ‘‰Join us on Telegram at

πŸ‘‰Subscribe to receive our weekly e-Mail Newsletter
πŸ‘‰Phone: 0829269364

Chris Visser,