Friday, December 13, 2024

The Gospel at work in India!

Is the Missio Dei framework on its way out?

 Is the Missio Dei framework on its way out?

Conversations with Global South leaders is making me think soTed Esler Nov 21, 2024

Missiologists have been holding up the “Missio Dei” view of the Great Commission for quite some time now. The development of Missio Dei can be traced back to the 1950s. Bosch is probably most cited as a basal author on this topic, but Christopher Wright’s treatment of it in the Mission of God and his talks at Lausanne’s 2010 gathering cemented this as a dominant view within missiology over the past two decades.

Let me quickly describe the Missio Dei framework. Forgive me up front - there are mixed opinions on what “Missio Dei” refers to and this is a hugely simplified summary. Missio Dei refers to a view of missions with the following broad attributes::

It holds that God is on mission and we join with him. The important inference here is that the church (or missionaries, or even Christians) is not on mission, God is. The church merely joins with him. Human activity (agency) is a byproduct of God’s moving in the world to do his will. We have not been given a mission.

The scope of mission is inclusive of the redemption of all creation. Thus, the traditional view of mission which focuses on evangelism, discipleship, and the planting of churches is not to be elevated above creation care, social justice/progress, human flourishing, and so on. How God acts and works generally cannot be separated from a more specific command to disciple the nations.

Grace, particularly expressed by God’s love, is the driving factor behind all God does. Thus, God’s mission is inextricably linked to his character. This is essentially a reaffirmation of my first bullet because it ties mission so closely to God. This tends to ignore the fullness of his character which is holy and that holiness itself (which is loving, by the way) demands judgment.

Missio Dei theologians often emphasize the effects of the fall (“all of creation fell, thus all of creation needs redemption”) whereas traditional missions tend to focus on human sin and the need for personal redemption.

Feel free to critique or add elements to this definition in the comments.

The fallout from Missio Dei missiology has been profound. I know this is rather unpopular with some, but I think it is fair to say that Missio Dei has resulted in the deconstruction of mission at many levels. If you do not believe me, ask the mainline Protestant denominations where they get their missiology. I do not think the original authors saw Missio Dei as a force for deconstruction, but when wed to contemporary social changes, it most certainly has become that. A missiology in which everything is missions empties missions of any meaning. Missio Dei has been a significant contributor to this form of deconstruction.

My international travel this year has included a handful of very enlightening conversations with Global South leaders. I have purposefully sought to tease out how non-Westerners are understanding missiological frameworks. The critique of Missio Dei missiology is rather stark. These observations might be hard for a Westerner like me to make, since I “live in the fishtank” in which Missio Dei arose. Here is a smattering of snippets I wrote down during and after conversations:

Our mission is about the souls of people. When (you) Westerners begin talking about missions, you make it so abstract. I am more concerned with the person sitting across from me, living in sin. They need freedom from that sin regardless of their financial or physical situation (this happened after touring a ministry to disabled people in Egypt).

People like to say, “Find out where God is at work and join him.” Our ministry is different. We are trying to find places where there is no evidence of God working. These are the unreached places Paul talked about (this conversation happened with an African leader after a presentation about the Joshua Project website at Lausanne).

Our mission is different than the mission of the church. The church is great at being there for people. It is like a family. We are the special forces. We like to go where nobody else wants to go (Latin American missions leader, reacting to my question, “Why start new missions structures?”).

I have more examples, but these three comments I found to be very concrete.

The one area of missiology where I observe a continued commitment to Missio Dei is from Latin American missiologists who see social justice as mission. This came out loud and clear at the recent Lausanne gathering in Korea. There was a public disagreement about the role of “integral mission.” I think it is fair to say that integral mission is a byproduct of Missio Dei missiology. Perhaps the disagreement points to its declining relevance.

The Missio Dei framework rose in prominence to oppose the failure of modernism. Modernism suggested that constant progress was perfecting humanity and making us better, including morally better. After World War II’s horrors, modernism survived on its fumes for just a few more decades. Missio Dei was a reaction to an overemphasis on human agency found in modernism.

The problem with this, of course, is that it goes too far. We are commanded to do something; however imperfect our actions might be. Jesus commands us to take action. This action is not simply to be Christian, but to take that message to those who are not. Missio Dei provides little distinction between the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

In my conversations with Global South leaders, I find that their missiology is much more focused on what we see the early church doing in obedience to Jesus’ command to disciple the nations. These tend to be evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Perhaps the Missio Dei framework is a Western invention and thus does not fit the Global South movements. Perhaps we are in a new age where modernist reactions are less relevant. Perhaps I suffer from selection bias. Those could all be true at the same time, but I sense a shift is at work.

My observation is that Global South leaders more often express a more action-oriented, less abstract view of their work than Missio Dei presents. For me, that is a healthy, hopeful sign.                                          

Read the Original here...                                                                                


Monday, December 9, 2024

Hendrik & Betsy's Newsletter December 2024

 Hendrik & Betsy's from Didasko Missions Academy

Newsletter December 2024  

Very exciting news; Click the link underneath

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Uitnodiging van Ds Gawie Joubert, XANAGAS, Botswana...


Van Ds Gawie Joubert, XANAGAS, Botswana...

NB !! LEES ASB. Jy word geroep......

Elohim. -  Trinity. 

“Call Your Brothers.” Was die Antwoord op my vraag:  " Wie gaan help?"

Wie gaan help om die mense van New Xanagas te leer om te werk?

Dis amper ‘n Macedoniese roepstem.       

Laas nag toe ek besef – in Jan 2025 wanneer die owerhede die groen lig gee en sê “Yes Moruti – good idea – you may start." 

Dan moet ons reg wees – eintlik klaar begin het om die 44 km cut line met ‘n GPS uit te gemeet het. 

Die +- 196 mense wat betaal word om te skoffel ens – kan dan amptelik met goedkeuring die cut line oop kap vir die TRAILER TRAIN – terwyl ons wag vir die masjinerie om afgelewer te word. 

Lees asb die engelse brief gerig aan die Government of Botswana – aangeheg.

Hulp word ook benodig met die voltooing van die CEDA lening se aansoekvorm - dis lywig.

Die besigheidsplanne word deur Theuns en Brian gedoen – eintlik klaar – die finale afronding en kwotasies ens. moet gedoen word. 

14 dae na vorms voltooi is word VERSKAFFERS betaal....... Admin is my swakste punt.

Dis nie net die wat ‘n kettingsaag kan hanteer wat benodig word nie – vrou lief kan in die skool kom help as volunteer. Hulle sal dit BAIE geniet.

Het jy enige SKILL ? Kinder werk? ??? – kom.

Vat 'n maand of 3 sabbatsrus - of is jy afgetree en nog jonk of jou gap jaar?

Het jy ‘n karavaan of tent - kom.    Het jy niks maar WEET jy moet kom – kom.     God sal Voorsien.

Een gemeente het hul maandelikse donasie van 2025 vooruit gegee en ‘n ander Sinode het R5000 gegee – So GLORY ons het al so R 20 k vir kos. 

Jy is welkom om dit wat jy buitendien sou gebruik vir kos – in die kas te gooi vir die nodige.   Jy kan nie kom nie maar wil help - dam se nr is onder.   Dankie Vader.

Ons eet en kook almal saam. As jy petrol kort – praat. 

Wil jy WHK toe vlieg? Dan gaan haal ek jou.

Kooitjie, Abe Cloete -‘n vorige sendeling van Gaborone – se vrou - se wyse woorde is: “Die mense kan nie uit ‘n VAKUUM leer hoe om te werk nie.” 

Kom help om die vakuum te vul met Dade en Woorde en so word almal wakker dat Christus se Lig helder skyn en Ons Vader Verheerlik word.

Jy moet ‘n paspoort besit. By die grens skryf – Visit Pastor Joubert. KALAHARI FOUNTAIN New Xanagas Tel 73696737 Vra vir 90 dae of what ever. 

BEL !!

Die 1 ste 7 wat hier is - kry ‘n aandeel in Eat To Live.      

Jy kan NOU kom. 

I M M A N U E L.  Gabriel. WA +27721580587     

Cell +26773696737

FNB Lynnwood tak  252045  rek nr 620 318 253 86  GS Joubert.

Standard Bank Gobabis tak  082072 Rek nr. 143 356 488  Joubert.

"Gaan    -    Kom."

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Disrupting Missions for Greater Impact

'n Diep Dink Moet-lees artikel.     

 NEW: Mission Insights from the Founder and CEO  of Harvesters Ministry💥

What’s the state of missions today? 


What are the greatest needs? 


What must change?


The world is shifting rapidly, and it’s time to examine how we approach missions. Today, I’m sharing an important, timely article about the way Harvesters is disrupting traditional mission models to accelerate church planting, revolutionise pastoral training and maintain sustainable expansion.


Is it time we turned missions on its head?

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Betekenisse van Begrippe:

  • WMM-EXPO = World Missions Mobilization Expo (Wat gaan fokus op die Bewusmaking van Wêreldsending en die ondersteuning van Sendelinge in hulle Nood en Behoeftes)

Hiermee die nuutste terugvoer daaroor. 



Eerstens, Bid asb. ernstige saam met ons hiervoor. Dit kan 'n groot hupstoot op baie terreine wees. Vir die Sending en die Kerk. Bid asseblief saam oor die Beplanning en as dit die Here se wil is, die realisering van die Droom.


1) Sending-bewusmaking: 'n Geleentheid waar Sendingorganisasies en  Sendelinge  aan 'n meer sekulêre gehoor (nie die gewone kerklike omgewing nie) hulle bedienings kan uitstal, bekendstel en hulle netwerke kan uitbou.

2) Fondsinsameling vir Sending: Alle winste van die Fees sal uiteindelik aan die Sendingorganisasies wat amptelik registreer en uitgestal het, gelykop verdeel en aan hulle uitbetaal word. 

3) Heel Belangrikste: Op hierdie LIG VIR DIE WÊRELD-FEES gaan ons almal ons lig laat skyn; 'n Lig vir die Wêreld wees! Teenoor mekaar en teenoor alle ander uitstallers en besoekers - sodat die hele Pretoria en Suid-Afrika daarvan gaan kennis neem. 

Ons Beplanningsgroep doen ons bes met 'n UITSTAANDE PROGRAM om soveel moontlik Besoekende Feesgangers te betrek -  Behalwe die Sendingorganisasies wat gaan uitstal...
- 'n Uitnodiging aan almal wat Markte bedryf (verkopers van kos, enige wettige produkte of klein besighede). 
- Uitnodiging aan alle Parkrun-Groepe van Pretoria om op die datum by die VTM-Parkrun in te skakel en by ons program gaan inskakel.
- Daar is nog verskeie ander verassings wat ons later gaan deel (Bekende Sangers, Kore, met 'n Koorkompetisie word reeds die vorige aand beplan word, met die wenkore wat die Saterdag gaan optree;  Jukskei, die Motorfiets-mense, Fietse en nog.. en nog) 
- Die vriendelike VTM-personeel help ons om die Fees vir alle besoekers net een groot Fees van Pret en Genot te maak. 


JY IS WELKOM! Nooi nou al jou familie en vriende.


1) Gemeente-leiers/leraars/pastore:  Deel die Projek asseblief met julle gemeente se lidmate en veral met die Sendingorganisasies en Sendelinge waarby julle gemeentes betrokke of net bekend is (indien moontlik kan u hulle help deur dalk aan te bied om hulle registrasiefooi van R400 en/of dalk vir die wat moet vêr ry te help met reiskoste) 

2) Motiveer ook soveel as moontlik van julle gemeentes se lidmate, veral die lede van die gemeente se Sendingkomitee, om deel te neem. Sulke blootstelling by so 'n Sending-Ekspo kan waardevolle visie en ervaring aan alle besoekers bied.  

3) Gemeentes wat self besondere uitreik-programme het en wat dit dalk met ander gemeentes wil deel is welkom om self 'n Gemeente-Sending Uitstalling te kom aanbied (Kontak ons gerus vir enige navrae)  

4) Maak asseblief die Projek aan die lidmate wat betrokke is by verkope by Markte soos kosstalletjies of ander klein besighede bekend.


'n Aantal afsonderlike WhatsApp Groepe is geskep vir al die belangstellende deelnemers om voorlopig hierby aan te sluit ten einde op hoogte te bly van verdere reëlings... Jy is welkom om dus nou dadelik by die Groep van jou keuse aan te sluit sodat ons jou vorentoe op hoogte kan hou waar om te Registreer, reëlings met die spesifieke datums vir opstel van Uitstallings ens. 

1-LIG VIR DIE WÊRELD - FEES : Beplanning, Koördinering en Finansies (Geslote groep)

2-Virtuele Sending-Ekspo vir Sendingorganisasies

Die beplande Sending-Ekspo vir Maart 2025 word UITGESTEL (moontlik tot September 2025); Dit gaan intussen VIRTUEEL aangebied word.

Sendingorganisasies word dus nou reeds uitgenooi om as deel van hierdie Virtuele Sending-Ekspo hulle nuutste inligting, beplannings en behoeftes met die groter kerklike gemeenskap te deel. Ons sal ons bes doen om almal se praktiese beskikbaarheid te akkomodeer ten einde hulle die maksimum blootstelling op Sosiale Media en ander Platforms te bied.

Sendingorganisasies is dus reeds welkom om hulle belangstelling hierin aan te dui op die volgende maniere.

3-LIG VIR DIE WÊRELD - FEES: Kerkleiers & gemeentes se Sendingverteenwoordigers. 

Die beplande Sending-Ekspo vir Maart 2025 word UITGESTEL (moontlik tot September 2025). Meer inligting hoe om julle gemeente en die Sendelinge wat julle ondersteun se Sendingprojekte te kom bekendstel en julle lidmate hieroor in te lig sal so gou moontlik op die Groep verskaf word.

Om by die Groep aan te sluit...

4-LIG VIR DIE WÊRELD - FEES: Markte (Alle klein besighede, vlooimarkte en kosstalletjies wat by die Sending-Ekspo Fees wil deelneem. Verdere Inligting bv. hoe, waar en wanneer om te registreer, sal op die Groep gedeel word). 

L.W. Die beplande Sending-Ekspo vir Maart 2025 word UITGESTEL (moontlik tot September 2025)

Om by die Groep aan te sluit...

5 - LIG VIR DIE WÊRELD - FEES - Program vir Besoekers en Reklame daarvoor 

L.W. Die beplande Sending-Ekspo vir Maart 2025 word UITGESTEL (moontlik tot September 2025). 

Alle persone wat op hoogte wil bly van die finale Program, hoe om as Besoeker te registreer of self as deelnemer by die Program in te skakel...

Sluit gerus nou al hier by die Groep aan..



Sluit sommer dadelik by ons Gebedsgroep aan (net gefokus op voorbidding en inligting wat die Lig vir die Wêreld-Fees raak.

Welkom om ander as Voorbidders uit te nooi by

Ja, Die FEESPLANNE is 'n Uitdagende Mondvol! 

Klink nogal na 'n reuse plan wat mens eintlik bangmaak... Dan is dit heelwaarskynlik van die Here af. 

Mag Hy alleen daardeur verheerlik word.

Vir Navrae...Kontak ons per...

  • Epos 
  • Tel 0829269364
  • WhatsApp 0764285260



WORLD MISSIONS ORGANISATIONS EXPO at the Voortrekker Monument...


Liewe Gemeente-leiers/leraars/pastore 

1) Neem asseblief kennis van die Projek, bespreek dit met julle kollegas, en... ek glo julle sal met die Koninkrykswaarde daarvan saamstem. (Kontak ons gerus oor enige onduidelikheid of as ons dit verder kan toelig)

2) Deel dit asseblief met julle gemeente se lidmate, veral met die Sendingorganisasies en Sendelinge waarby julle gemeentes betrokke of mee bekend is en motiveer hulle tot betrokkenheid. (indien moontlik kan u hulle help deur dalk aan te bied om hulle registrasiefooi van R400 en/of dalk vir die wat moet vêr ry te help met reiskoste) 

3) Motiveer ook soveel as moontlik van julle gemeentes se lidmate, veral die lede van die gemeente se Sendingkomitee, om deel te neem. Sulke blootstelling by so 'n Sending-Ekspo kan waardevolle visie en ervaring aan julle lidmate bied (waarvan julle hopelik die vrug weer later in julle gemeentes gaan sien).

4) Gemeentes wat self besondere uitreik-programme het en wat dit dalk met ander gemeentes wil deel, is welkom om self 'n Gemeente-Sending Uitstalling te kom aanbied (Kontak ons gerus vir enige navrae)  

5) Maak asseblief ook die Projek aan die lidmate wat betrokke is by verkope by Markte soos kosstalletjies of ander klein besighede bekend.

6) Sluit asseblief aan op die WhatsApp Groep hieronder, waar algaande verdere inligting net aan Kerkleiers hieroor gedeel sal word.

3-LIG VIR DIE WÊRELD - FEES: Kerkleiers & gemeentes se Sendingverteenwoordigers. 

Meer inligting hoe om julle gemeente en die Sendelinge wat julle ondersteun se Sendingprojekte te kom bekendstel en julle lidmate hieroor in te lig sal so gou moontlik op die Groep verskaf word.

Om by die Groep aan te sluit...

Thursday, November 28, 2024



Dear Mission friends,


We plan a World Missions Mobilization – Expo (WMM-Expo) at the Voortrekker Monument (VTM) in Pretoria BUT NOT ON 15 th MARCH AS PLANNED, HOPEFULLY IN SEPTEMBER.


Liewe Sendingvriende (almal wat wag op ​nuus oor die voorgenome Sending-Ekspo by die VTM in 2025)
😉Slegte nuus... Ons moes dit weer uitstel - Nee, nie 3 Mrt nie... moontlik September 2025
🤔MAAR... dis eintlik Goeie Nuus! Waarom?
🙋‍♂Neem gerus kennis....

Sendingorganisasies word dus nou reeds uitgenooi om as deel van hierdie Virtuele Sending-Ekspo hulle nuutste inligting, beplannings en behoeftes met die groter kerklike gemeenskap te deel. Ons sal ons bes doen om almal se praktiese beskikbaarheid te akkomodeer ten einde hulle die maksimum blootstelling op Sosiale Media en ander Platforms te bied.

Sendingorganisasies is dus reeds welkom om hulle belangstelling hierin aan te dui op die volgende maniere.

For Further info contact…

Chris Visser –

Kingdom Focus for Mission Mobilization.

  • eMail –
  • Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus  KoFie-Projek    
  • Phone: +27 82 926 9364                                        
  • WhatsApp: +27 76 428 5260 

UITNODIGING / INVITATION Aan...Alle Markte/Verkopers

Hallo Vriende, 

oor die VTM LIG VIR DIE WêRELD - EXPO planne waarna ons MARKTE ook uitnooi.



Meer inligting volg.



Aan...Alle Markte/Verkopers

Kom verkoop by die…


@ Voortrekker Monument

Missions Expo-Fees 

 Lees meer daaroor by -


Join this WhatsApp Group to stay updated about the event.

Kontak ePos:

Friday, November 22, 2024

MEGAVOICE - To finish 2024 well and to begin 2025 well.

To finish 2024 well and to begin 2025 well.

In the Bible, we learn how the Lord commanded his children to erect a memorial with 12 stones from the Jordan River.   "So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever." - Joshua 6:7.  Getting close to the end of 2024 and the time to reflect on the birth of our Saviour, let's also reflect on the question "How to finish well?"  Paul wrote to Timothy when he was nearing the end of his life: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing."  2 Timothy 6:7-8.

If we follow Christ and are in a relationship with him, we will finish well and be well. If we are not in Christ, our money, education, achievements, and status are of no importance. These temporal things will soon pass, but our relationship with Christ is for eternity. 

It is comforting that we cannot and need not rely on our efforts to finish well.  It is by grace and the work on the Cross that we can finish well.  In this year we all came short in some instances, and we have seen others not doing well. Let's pray for them and ourselves to remain focused on the One who is our Master and Saviour.

Let's reflect on our relationship with Him before we begin 2025.

God Bless
Johan Grobler

Continuous improvement is one of our values.

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
Colossians 2:6-7 ESV

Thank you for helping us to reach important milestones.

2024 was a special year and here are some of the milestones.
  • New Media Centres - Ethiopia, Namibia, and Nigeria
  • Growth in distribution to South Sudan and Sudan
  • Fundraising is growing
  • Audio Bible a Month Club is growing. Read more info on the ABMC
  • We were able to attend more events than in previous years - Missions Expo, CRE, Lausanne Congress, South Pacific Bible Forum, NRB.
Five of the top 10 countries where Christians are persecuted for their faith are in Africa. In 2023 about 5000 people worldwide were murdered for their faith.

We focus on Nigeria at the moment.  Violence by Islamic extremist groups such as Fulani militants, Boko Haram, and ISWAP (Islamic State in West African Province) increased recently. 

Read more about Nigeria.   
To donate to this project click here
Johan and Tom after having a quick lunch in Drummoyne
Johan had the privilege of visiting Tom Treseder the founder of MegaVoice Australia in November.  Tom at 91 is doing well and his ongoing contribution to MegaVoice is an example and blessing to all.

During this time Johan visited Geelong, spoke at three churches, and met with several partners and supporters.  It was a fruitful and productive time with Geoff and Brenda Warren.  Johan also met with Kevin Keegan, the CEO of MegaVoice Global Australia, based in Sydney.

We pray for MegaVoice Global Australia to grow and prosper in 2025.

Prayer Items
You can download our prayer letters here

  • Let's pray for our partners who diligently distribute the Word of God in audio and video formats.
  • Thank the Lord for our growing number of regular donors.
  • Thank the Lord for our team in Africa.
  • Pray for more people to join as supporters and partners.
Matthew 9  ESV
38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 
39 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Friday, November 15, 2024

Gay Man Dies, Meets Jesus, and What He Saw Made Him Turn Straight

"Gay Man Dies, Meets Jesus, and What He Saw Made Him Turn Straight"

Listen to the Video here.

Also Read the Blog Page with many more such Testimonies. 


Radio Feba - Lees Hoe Een Radio 'n Hele Gemeenskap Verander!

 Radio verander 'n Hele Gemeenskap!

“Die geloof volg uit die aanhoor van die boodskap,” skryf Paulus in Romeine 10:17 (NLV) en baie in Afrika kan daardie boodskap slegs deur die radio hoor. FEBA se Kersfees-radioprojek beoog om fondse in te samel vir radio’s en oudio-Bybels om die Goeie Nuus aan luisteraars in Tsjad, Malawi, Mali, Mosambiek, Niger, Soedan en Tanzanië oor te dra.


FEBA Malawi se bediening groei teen só ’n vinnige pas dat hulle nie kan byhou met die aanvraag vir radio’s en oudio-Bybels nie. Die span het onlangs Yao-luisteraars in die Zomba-streek besoek en was  dankbaar om te sien dat baie Yao Moslems na Christus keer deur FEBA se uitsendings. By een geleentheid het sowat 60 Moslemmans en -vroue by luisteraarklubs aangesluit met die hoop dat hulle meer van God sal leer. Een luisteraar het gedeel: ...

Lees die res van die artikel

Lees meer oor Radio Feba:

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Koninkryksfokus - Erdwurms en ander nuus

 Liewe Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus Vriende…

(L.W. Hierdie is dieselfde Eposnuus wat reeds op 19 September uitgestuur is)

Soos verlede week genoem is ons Epos Uitdaging dat ons nou ‘n nuwe stelsel moet gebruik (G-Mass van Google).

In plaas van baie eposse na jou, belowe ons nou die volgende.

  • Net EEN EPOS PER WEEK. (Ons weet jy is ‘n besige mens en ons gaan jou nie weer oorlaai nie)D
  • Die Epos gaan net Hoofopskrifte (met die skakels na die artikels) bevat. Dus besluit jy self wat jy daarvan wil lees.


1)    As jy dit dalk gemis het, ons Uitnodiging om deel van ons WMM-EXPO Projek te word.

Kortliks opgesom, probeer ons nuwe bewusmaking skep oor Wêreldsending en probeer terselfdertyd enkele Sendelinge wat ons van weet wat baie sukkel om ondersteuning vir hulle werk te kry, daarvoor te ondersteun

Vir meer inligting oor wat dit behels, kan jy hierdie QR-prentjie hieronder kan scan (met jou slim telefoon se Scan App)


Ook Welkom om eerder die volgende Blog te gaan verken: WORLD MISSION MOBILIZATION; klik op die skakel en dit sal daar oopmaak.

2)   So word mens ‘n MSP: (Missionary Support Partner) – of dan ‘n Sendeling Ondersteuningsvennoot.

Dit behels om by Sendelinge en hulle werk betrokke te raak, hulle te leer ken, vir hulle te bid ens. Engels: to Connect & Care, Pray, Financial Support (Klik die skakel

3)    Ek stel jou ook graag voor aan ons Erdwurm-Projek:

Wat is dit? Dis ons projek om sendingfondse in te samel ten einde ons KoFie-Projek Sendelinge te ondersteun.

  • Koninkryksgroete,                                            
  • Chris Visser (VisChris)
  • Ambassadeur van die Koning (2Kor 5:20)
Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus  KoFie-Projek                        
o  Phone: +27 82 926 9364                                
o  WhatsApp: +27 76 428 5260

o  Email:                             
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    Monday, November 11, 2024

    Sending en Statistiek wat praat…

    Wat sê die Statistiek oor die Kerk se Sending-Prioriteute     



    1) Tans meer as 8 Biljoen mense in die Wêreld (Mat 28:19 "ethne" Nasies of Mensegroepe = 17,300)

    2)  % steeds ONBEREIK met die Evangelie = 41,9%

    3)  % van KERKLIDMATE wat dit nie weet of daaroor omgee nie = 70%


    4) % van "CHRISTENE" se inkomste wat spandeer word op alle "Christelike" projekte  =  1,7%                   

    5) % van alle "Christelike" projekte wat gaan vir SENDING (Global foreign missions) = 5,8%                                                                     

    6) % van alle Sending begrotings wat na bediening onder die ONBEREIKTES gaan = 1,8%

    Bron: Joshua Projects 

    Thursday, October 31, 2024

    Alfred en Leonie Smith from India. Kerksondermure Biduur - 16 November 7:00

     A&L October News: Into (South) Africa

    Welcome to join us at the Kerksondermure Biduur 

    16 November 7:00 to listen to Alfred en Leonie Smith from India. 

    Daar sal spesiale Koffie vir besoekers wees.

    Lees gerus hulle laaste nuusbrief hier

    A Quick Summary for Our Busy Friends

    This month we have been in South Africa visiting people, so there 

    is not as much news as usual.

    1. We Want to see You!
    We will be in Pretoria until end November and Cape Town in January and February. 

    Please contact us - we'd love to visit with you.

    2. Second Anniversary of the Upper Room House of Prayer
    We are so excited that prayers continue to go up from the House of Prayer.

    3. What We are Doing in South Africa
    We have already visited with over 300 people in South Africa. Find out more.

    4. The Challenge
    What we are telling folks in South Africa

    5. Some Photos

    6. Praise Reports and 7. Prayer Requests
    Thank you for your prayers - they mean so much to us.

    1. We Want to See you!

    Thank you to everyone that has responded to our invitation to meet us -
    we have been blessed with some sweet times with special people.
    We would like to meet you too. We have transport and can move quite freely.

    Our dates are as follows:
    • now to end November - Gauteng
    • 9 December - road trip from Maseru to Cape Town along the N1.
    • mid-January to mid-February - Cape Town, Stellenbosch and the rest of 
    • Western Cape
    • mid February (precise dates to be set later) : 
    • Alfred is on the N2 from Cape Town to Grahamstown. 
    • Current stops are Hartenbos, Knysna, Jeffrey's Bay and Grahamstown and 
    • maybe even Port Alfred, but we would love to add more visits.
    Contact Alfred to make an appointment:
    WhatsApp +91 82650 37842
    Mobile 082 053 6546

    2. Second Anniversary of the Upper Room House of Prayer

    After nine years in the Himalayas we know very well that for Tibetans to come to
    Jesus, we have a spiritual battle for their hearts and minds.

    Two years ago Teremi accepted the challenge to establish a House of Prayer in
    Mcleod Ganj, right in heart of Tibetan Buddhism. God called us to worship, pray and
    devote ourselves to Him. 

    Our prayer room with its blue carpet has become a haven of prayer for many.
    We never expected that so many people would join us. This House of Prayer has
    built partnerships with other groups throughout the world praying that many
    Tibetans would come to the love, joy and peace of Jesus.

    Thank you to all our friends who have joined in prayer with us. We look forward to
    many more hours of prayer and worship as we wait for Jesus to miraculously bring
    many souls to him.

    3. What We are Doing in South Africa

    Our time in South Africa has four objectives. These are (in no particular order)
    • to arrange our visas to India for the next 5 years;
    • to meet our family - it's been three years since Leonie last saw our 
    • grandchildren;
    • to visit with friends and encourage them in their walk with Jesus; and
    • to call the Christians of South Africa to reach out to those in need of 
    • Jesus both at home as well as around the world.
    When we arrived in South Africa on the 27th of September, we first spent a few
    days with Joy and Jonathan, our children who currently live in Pretoria.
    This was a wonderful time of reconnecting and strengthening our bonds with our
    grandchildren Kari (turning 13), Joakim (turning 11) and Laila (3).

    They will be moving to Cape Town soon, so we also started disposing of our things
    that they had kept in their shed since we left South Africa more than 9 years ago.
    We will be finishing that job in the coming month.

    We then spent some time with Ineke, a long-time friend going back 17 years.
    When she bought her house she renovated it with the specific intention of hosting
    friends from around the world. For example, when she put in the guest room shower,
     she had Alfred in mind. We even had time for boardgames with Joy's Cousin Ken.

    At Ineke, her dogs Sashimi and Krabbels weren't quite sure what to make of these
    strange invaders, but pretty soon they took to us. Sashimi even found her place on
    the couch next to Alfred, sleeping away while he was busy at the computer. That
    was so precious to him.
    We then visited Faan in Kempton Park. They have a lovely granny flat that we
    regularly spend time in. Their place was our base for our visits around the
    East Rand. As usual, Faan and Liezl's hospitality was legendary. Below is a picture
    of their daughter Marli with the trifle that they made for us.
    We  then returned to Pretoria where our friend Grantley invited us to stay in one of
     the cottages that he and his wife Madelyn have set aside for visitors. It is in
    Boschkop a few kilometres East of Pretoria. The picture at the top of the page was
     taken at his house and reflects the beauty of the place.

    And while we were visiting these precious folks, we were holding meetings.
    Up to 29 November we had 28 meetings with around 330 people.

    So what do we tell people?

    We're so glad you asked. Read on below.

    4. The Challenge

    Having spent time living among the Tibetans, we have had news experiences that highlighted for us that there are people n exile far from their homeland. 

    Our message to South Africans is simple. People around us have needs.
    These people are loved by Jesus. When they suffer, he feels their pain.
    He is looking to us to love those in trouble or in pain.

    Yes, the country is going through trying times. There is a lot of uncertainty and fear
    fed by crime, the economic situation and politics. This does not change the fact that
    Jesus is in control, and that as we serve him, he will take care of all our needs.
    We therefore have to care for others.

    This starts with the people in our families - our parents, our children and our greater
    family like uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces. This then needs to  be
    extended to our neighbours and the people at work. We need to show love to the
    folks at the shopping till and the policeman that turns off the road.

    We need to be active in the church and giving financially to God's work, whether it
    be with the local congregation, the poor or missionaries.

    We need to pray for God's will in all these people's lives.

    When we do this, we are submitting to Jesus. His life will give us joy as we submit
    to him. He will provide all our needs in his way and his time.

    So we are asking people to truly make God their king, and see what amazing results

    5. Some Photos

    At a home church that we visited, Leonie led a Bible study with flannelgraph.
    The folks were enthusiastic about it and we had a lively discussion. 
    As visitors from another land, we were invited to speak to the students of the
    Hatfield Christian School. This was special for us because we got married in this
    same chapel 39 years ago. 

    The children responded to our stories with gusto. May they too be inspired to reach
     out to others!
    I (Alfred) was struck by this turn-off from January Masilela Drive, a busy road in
    Pretoria. As you can see, it does not go very far. The pedestrian crossing that has
    been placed here is surreal. Equally surreal is the on-ramp just a few metres further
     coming from nowhere.

    6. Praise Reports

    • It is one year after Leonie's fall while she was in Udaipur. Her back continues 
    • to make progress. We look forward to the day that she will be completely 
    • healed.
    • We are overjoyed that God has been with the House of Prayer for two years 
    • now and look forward to many answers to prayer.
    • We have been blessed by all the people that we have met. May the Lord bring 
    • them closer to him and then send them out to serve others.
    • Last month we asked you to pray for Timothy, one of Alfred's Tibetan friends. 
    • His bank account was frozen without any good reason. Alfred counseled him
    •  to stay patient and to continue to seek redress from the bank. 
    • Timothy contacted Alfred last week with the news that his account had been 
    • unfrozen. He was over the moon, and thanked Alfred for his advice and 
    • prayers. He sees the resolution of his problem as an answer to prayer. 
    • Thank you for your prayers in this matter. 
    • May Timothy come ever closer to Jesus!

    7. Prayer Requests

    • Please pray for Leonie's complete healing.
    • Please keep praying for our meetings in the coming months.
    • Please continue to pray for the next Kongki Ka translation that all will 
    • happen in the Lord's time and in the Lord's way.
    • We still need financial provision for our living expenses. We have received 
    • some amazing provision in the last two months that have made a real 
    • difference. Please keep praying for us. This is particularly important as we 
    • have no way to cover the expenses of our visits in South Africa. 
    • We are living in obedience to Jesus and he has his plan to make this work.

    How you can support us

    We need your prayer support: without prayer and fasting the walls that are 

    surrounding Tibetan Buddhists will never be broken down. Our newsletters aim to 

    help you focus your prayers strategically.

    You can also support us financially. South Africans can pay directly into our 

    bank account:

    Account name AE Smith
    Cheque Account 1556031424
    Branch code 155605

    We also have an international facility. Simply click the link below, choose an amount

     to donate, and then provide payment details. Click below:

    Support Alfred & Leonie

    We appreciate you

    Thank you to each one that is praying for us, supporting us financially and being 

    there for us. We deeply appreciate it that you can be a part of our lives. 

    May you be blessed far beyond what you can imagine.

    Do you have news? We'd be glad to hear from you. Do you have a need? 

    Let us pray for you. You can write to us at

    Be greatly blessed

    Alfred & Leonie