Friday, February 5, 2021

Online Course in Foundations of Media to Movements

As part of our KoFie-project I was invited to join this Online course to learn more about Social Media Evangelism and Discipleship.

The purpose why I want to do it is... IMPROVE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS

Yes, I look forward to do this Course over 5 weeks (starting 18th February): 

Welcome to look to this Video and join me in Support and Prayer. 

My most important Prayer requests at this time, beginning 2021 amidst of Covid etc.

1) We have a very big number of Contacts that we reach, but not many responders that make an open commitment  to follow Christ and being willing for further Discipleship. Pray for wisdom hoe to change our methods and the Holy Spirit touching more people's hearts.

2) We need more helpers; people to join us in Prayer and be part of our Admin and follow up team.

3) Some person or people to commit to take the ministry further when the time comes that I personally won't be able to continue further due to possible physical reasons (over a year or ten?)


Chris Visser,

Koninkryksfokus - KoFie.project / 0829269364

Filling Young Skulls with Scripture (Forward from Shane Bennett)

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For a short, but wonderful season some years ago, I lived in northern Pakistan in the lovely city of Bradford, England. One of a long list of poignant memories of our curry-scented neighborhood was watching the local kiddos, dressed in white, streaming resolutely to mosque school each afternoon.

I didn’t know all that happened there. Still don’t, in fact. 

Apparently, in some Islamic schools, kids learn nasty little songs about cutting people’s heads off. Lacking the language skills to properly pursue the prevalence of this, I’m going to assume that’s not the main thing after school Islamic training prioritizes. 

Memorizing the Quran, up to the whole book, is another task of such programs. This intrigues me. Granted, most Muslim kids likely memorize in a language they don’t speak. And my conviction is that doing must be coupled with knowing. But still, that’s an ambitious task.

Can you imagine your pastor announcing that for the next year youth group will focus on memorizing the whole Bible?!? Makes me laugh just to think of it!

My wife and I led our church’s middle school youth group last night. We fussed and fretted over how to communicate the main points of the Bible story (The clearly low-hanging fruit of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego!), while maintaining the kiddos’ interest. I even set my hand on fire to communicate the lesson!

Jesus went to great lengths to communicate in ways that would stick. We should too. But maybe we sell our kids short? Maybe we could raise the bar, at least for some kids? What if we asked them to memorize some of the Bible? All of it? (AWANA parents and kids: Keep up the good work!)

It will be a gut punch if a Muslim kid in college kindly tells my kid he’s memorized the entire Quran and asked why my kid hasn’t memorized the Bible. 

Well, now I’m feeling pretty convicted. I’m off to memorize life-giving scripture with my kiddos.

Monday, February 1, 2021



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Friday, January 29, 2021

Ds Chris Visser stel bekend: KoFie-project

Ek het einde 2020 in 'n Zoomgesprek ons Kofie-projek bietjie gedeel. 

(KoFie = Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie) 

As jy dit gemis het, kyk gerus steeds daarna hier.

Welkom om kontak te maak as ek die geleenthede op Sosiale Media met julle groep (sommer net vriende of van julle gemeente se Uitreik bediening - ja, ook nou tydens Covid inperking) kan deel en wys hoe maklik dit is om julle eie ding te Sosiale Media projek te begin of by ons KoFie-project in te skakel.

Ons sal ook graag help om saam met die CCM-organisasie (Christian Concern for Muslims) en Fred Nel van Eternal Life Outreach julle gemeente te help mobiliseer om die evangelie meer effektief met Muslims te deel. 

Op die volgende plasings is 'n aantal interessante Sending artikels wat 'n gemeente se Sendingkommissie met groot vrug kan bespreek. Stuur gerus die epos met die materiaal aan diegene wat sal belangstel. 

Dominee/Pastor, preek gerus bietjie weer oor die kerk se Evangelisasie taak en vra dan die lidmate wat belangstel om dit aan te vra vir verdere studie. Jy mag verbaas wees hoeveel lidmate stel dalk belang. 

Kontak ons gerus hier. 

Chris Visser (VisChris)
Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Die NGK se SGV besluite en my eie pad vorentoe.

Iemand vra my of ek nou gaan bedank uit die NG Kerk? 

Dis my antwoord:

Ek het gedolleer en het dit duidelik verklaar. Ek gaan tans nie bedank nie. 

Dat 'n "klein" groepie teoloë die NG Kerk gekaap het, beteken nie ek moet my rug draai op 'n groot groep gemeentes met wie ons steeds uitreik-verhoudings het en steeds 'n pad saamstap, ook plaaslik waar ons mooi verhoudings met groepe lidmate het en ons besig is met kosbare projekte.

My verwagting is in elk geval dat ekonomiese realiteite die NGK se borrel in die komende maande gaan laat bars. Dalk is dit net goed vir die groter Kerk se toekoms in ons land. 

Ek gaan voluit met ons Kofie-projek wat 'n groot oop deur is vir wêreldevangelisasie en waar die Here ookal ander deure oopmaak. 

Die amptelike struktuur en my kerk se lidmaatskap kry al minder betekenis. 

Chris Visser (VisChris)
Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus