Sunday, September 27, 2020

Persoonlik: My besluit oor die AS van die NG Kerk se SGV-besluite

My Besluit oor my NG Kerk lidmaatskap na die Algemene Sinode  van die NG Kerk se hantering oor Selfdegeslagverhoudings.

Hiermee maak ek bekend dat ek uit protes oor die AS se 2019 besluite oor Selfdegeslag-verhoudinge (SGV), aangesluit het by die Moreleta Kairos Netwerk met die oog op ’n toekomstige besluit ten opsigte van my eie Lidmaatskap van my huidige gemeente en groter NG Kerk.

Ek bied dit onder die volgende opskrifte aan:

1.    Waarom doen ek dit nou?

2.    Wat is die Moreleta Kairos Netwerk?

3.    Wie is ek en hoe raak dit my?

4.    Waarop baseer ek my teenstand t.o.v. die AS-besluite?

5.    Ander Materiaal wat my oortuigings hieroor gevorm het:

6.    ’n Paar Praktiese Vrae van my kant aan die Kerk

7.    Vrae aan kerkrade en leraars wat tans kies om neutraal te bly en die probleem dood te swyg.

Daar is, slegs op hierdie laat stadium, steeds ’n ander opsie! ’n Radikale standpunt-verandering – wat slegs moontlik is as dit met ’n  harts-verandering (in die ou taal – bekering, terug na die Bybel) gepaard gaan? Dit is waarvoor ek steeds bid en hoop.

Dankie vir u aandag,

Ter wille van die Koninkryk en die Eer van God.

Chris Visser, Centurion.

Lees my hele aanbieding hier...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Evangelisation Tool: LET ME BE YOUR NEIGHBOUR


This four-part experience from Crescent Project is designed to re-introduce participants to their neighborhoods and provide practical steps into biblical hospitality.

Why not download and use this Evangelisation Tool for your Church/Cell group?

Monday, September 21, 2020

Report from our Mosque Visit

πŸ•ŒWe visited a Mosque on Saturday and we had a very nice meeting with the Muslim leaders there; they are really very friendly and hospitable (they even invited us for a wonderful brinjani meal afterwards and we enjoyed the meal and nice conversations very much).
😊They also explained the traditions of Islam and their principles; the prayer times, pillars of faith, how they pray etc. According to all this, and the free booklets and English Quran that we all received as well, your Religion is surely impressive, a "Religion of justice, peace, mercy and forgiveness". Your people are surely very dedicated in their faith.
Over the weekend I ponder about it all.
πŸ“–Today during my Bible Study (as I do daily as a Christian) I came in my Bible at a passage -
Romans 10:2‭-‬4 NET - that I felt accurately also describing the Religion of Islam. I feel I must share it with you.
Please consider and rethink this with me...
♦️That is the Apostle Paul, a Jew, speaking about his fellow Jews and their religious dedication and zeal for God (the Jews had a lot of rituals and laws that they believed they had to perform to satisfy God and to get righteousness from God).
"I can testify that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not in line with the truth. For ignoring the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking instead to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law, with the result that there is righteousness for everyone who believes.
πŸ‘‰I personally are so privileged to have the experience of the joy of being sure about my own Certainty of Eternal life and to be a child of God. If you are interested in how we as Christians understand the Gospel (the Good News of the Bible) on how to get that Certainty of Forgiveness of sins and Eternal Live, here is a short summary - "Got Eternal Life? " .
[This is the Report as I wrote it on the Page: Conversation with Muslims; Please respond to this; How are you feeling about sharing the Gospel with Muslims?]

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Nabeel Qureshi - Dank God vir sy lewe en sterk getuienis.

Nabeel Qureshi was so 'n aantal jare gelede genooi om in KSM te kom praat. So 'n paar dae voor die tyd het ons gehoor hy kon nie meer kom nie, want hy het siek geword. Kanker wat vinnig versprei het en tot sy dood gelei het. Hy was 'n Ex-Muslim en kragtige Apologeet wat die valsheid van Islam sterk ontbloot het die Muslims het gejuig en gesΓͺ Allah het hom gestraf.

Lees meer hier en koop sy boek...

Monday, September 14, 2020



A Simple Strategy
The first week Fred was teaching, the whole extended family lined the walls of the room watching. Fred returned to the church to check a Spanish/English parallel Bible out of the library. The church used Six Bible Discovery Questions to lead the in-home Bible studies.
What do you like about this passage?
What don’t you like about this passage?
What don’t you understand about this passage?
What do you learn about God from this passage?
What do you want to do in your life based on this knowledge?
What verse do you want to think about this week?