“What do you want me to do for you?” It is a question from the Bible that has come to be called the Amazing Question. The question is from Luke 18:35, when Jesus encountered a blind beggar while on his way to Jericho.
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Thursday, March 18, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Telegram : How to use it; Why not join our KoFie-Ministry on Telegram?
More and more people and organizations are discovering Telegram—and some are already kicked out for some understandable reason. There are even NGOs that use this messenger app to host groups—up to 5,000 members in a supergroup—to create a private channel or to connect with their target audience one on one. Why should you use this application instead of WhatsApp for instance (apart from the fact when your country chose to monitor all WhatsApp messages or ban WhatsApp)? One answer: security.
Welcome to join our KoFie-Ministry on TELEGRAM here...
To read more about Telegram and the top three reasons to consider using Telegram, read it here... https://www.mediatomovements.org/articles/telegram
Hashtags # - This is our "Pull" initiative. What do you think?
While doing our course on Multimedia Ministry, the following was one of the new concepts that I learned about.
Hashtags #, and how to use it in Internet Ministry
When one post anything on Social Media, it is a "Push" initiative. You put up what you decided; not actually what they (your readers) want and what they will respond to ("Pull" initiative).
How to get a "Pull" result in our Facebook Conversations
Lately I discover the value of Hashtags # to connect our previous articles to the search engines on Facebook or Google to discover specific topics.
Dear Muslim, help me to get answers to my questions...
Monday, March 15, 2021
Nuwe/New Blog: Conversations with Muslims
Afrikaans (See English underneath)
Ek deel graag die nuwe Blog wat ek besig is om te ontwikkel.Die doel is uitsluitlik om mense wat saam met my belangstel in Muslim evangelisasie - om die evangelie ook met Muslims te deel - te betrek.
Jy is welkom om hierin te lees oor ons eie ervarings en geprekke met Muslims - hoofsaaklik op Sosiale Media soos facebook en WhatsApp, maar ook tydens persoonlike gesprekke in besighede, tydens besoeke aan Moskees en dikwels in hospitale waar Moslems dikwels baie broos is, veral met die siekte en afsterwe van 'n geliefde. Dan kan mens maar eerlik gesels ook oor die realiteit van die dood, en die vraag van die ewige lewe.
(Om die Blog te besoek, klik sommer op die prentjei hierbo)
My antwoord op kommentaar ontvang oor "Waarheen NG Kerk?"
Ek het 'n epos in reaksie op my vorige plasing ontvang en wil my antwoord daarop hier deel:
Liewe E, dankie vir jou omgee vir die kerk en die Koninkryk, soos jy skryf...
Jy skryf (nav Neels se boek) dat jy oortuig is dat die meerderheid van mense wat homoseksueel is, geen keuse het in die saak nie; dat dit fisiologies bepaal is in hul DNA. As jy verder belangstel, het ek die redes waarom ek self besluit het om die pad van Dolering te kies, hier uiteengesit, o.a. verwys ek na BAIE GAY-MENSE WAT GETUIG HOEDAT HULLE IN GEHOORSAAMHEID AAN DIE BYBEL EN DEUR DIE EVANGELIE VAN JESUS TE AANVAAR TOT BEKERING EN LEWENSVERANDERING GEKOM HET. Ek het ook talle verwysings van sulke getuienisse daar gedeel.