Monday, July 29, 2024

Join us in this Study about Kingdom Entrepreneurship in your Work and your Business.

KoFie-Project for Good News: Join us in this Study about Kingdom Entrepreneurship in your Work and your Business.

Question: Is Spiritual Warfare needed also in your Work?

*About Kingdom Entrepreneurship*


RightNow Media - Kingdom Entrepreneurship


4 Sessions (Avg Session - 8 Min 2023)


We’re called to work. But what does work look like for Christian entrepreneurs? 

Wez Hone leads business owners through this transformative four-part series to explore God’s grand design for the marketplace and to develop entrepreneurs’ Kingdom-building role on Earth. This course is designed to coach…

Kingdom Entrepreneurship


You can join us on the Facebook Page here...

Or... You can Join us on this Facebook Group:

Friday, July 26, 2024

Ons KoFie-Projek - Kom raak betrokke! (Opgedateer - Jul 2024)


👇👇Lees hieronder ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

Wat is KoFie nou weer?
Ons plaas die Evangelie op Sosiale Media soos bv. Facebook en WhatsApp en ander platforms.

Vandaar versprei ons dit verder met Advertensies. 

Besoek ook 

  • Ons fokus  hoofsaaklik op "mins-bereikte" mensegroepe (waar die evangelie nog die minste beskikbaar is, soos bv. oorwegende Moslemlande). 
  • Ons probeer op elke moontlike manier lesers volgens Bybelse Koninkryksgefokusde beginsels te bereik en te beïnvloed. 

1. 'n Verslag van een so 'n Advertensie op Facebook: 

Die Konteks: 'n Sendeling in een van die mees geslote Moslemlande het ons gevra om 'n Spesifieke Advertensie te plaas, gemik op die inwoners in net een van die dorpies waar hulle mense probeer bereik (met hulle taal en sekere trefwoorde wat deur die Facebook advertensie daarheen gefokus sal word). 

Tans het hulle baie beperkte kontak met enige moontlike Christene daar.

Die resultate van die Advertensie ('n Kort evangelie video van die Jesus film) 
  • People reached: 13,852
  • Engagement:  418 (People that open the post link 
    • Link Clicks (people that would view the film): 201
    • React with a question or comment or give the post a "like": 154
    • The rest most probably would click on the "Learn more" button, which would take them to further follow up material: 63
  • Cost: Only R100, running over 5 Days 
Die uitdaging is dan om met al daardie mense kontak te maak. Daar is tans wel metodes om dit te kan doen wat ek egter nie hier kan noem nie.

2. Ons Verskillende Facebook-Blaaie:
Welkom om ons Blaaie te besoek en te "like" om so daarop mee te werk, op die kommentaar van ander te reageer, self jou eie getuienis en mening as gelowige te deel en selfs 'n 'internet-verhouding' met so 'n persoon te begin. 

3. Ons Blad "Christians & Muslims Conversations"

Hierdie Blad, wat spesifiek gerig is op Muslims, het tans die meeste "followers" (reeds meer as 12,000). Facebook verskaf verskeie gedetailleerde verslae oor elke blad. Die afgelope 3 maande het ons plasings net op hierdie blad 106,822 mense bereik.

4. Groot deurbrake met ons WhatsApp bediening:

Deur 'n WhatsApp nommer op ons Facebook blaaie te plaas, kan persone wat om sekere redes 'n meer veilige kommunikasie metode vereis, ons op WhatsApp kontak. Dis veral noodsaaklik en van groot waarde vir Muslim persone. So het verskeie persone ons reeds op WhatsApp gekontak, van wie ons die data dan verder kan gebruik.

  • Deur verskeie WhatsApp Broadcast groepe stuur ons so aan 'n groot aantal persone op een slag evangelisasie-materiaal. 
  • Tans het ons reeds duisende kontakte van wie baie Muslims is, met wie ons gereeld op hierdie manier kommunikeer.
  • Baie van ons kontakte is ook van ons Suid Afrikaanse bodem, waar ons fokus op die verspreiding van Koninkryksgefokusde Bybelse beginsels - Kontaknommer: +27-76-4285260)
  • Ons werk tans op meer as 50 WhatsApp Groepe, baie wat veral fokus op verskillende aspekte wat aktueel is vir Moslems.
  • Dan gebruik ons meer as 20 WhatsApp Groepe in ons kommunikasie met mense oor ander onderwerpe, soos Evangelisasie, Sendingmobilisering en ander Koninkryksgefokusde materiaal. 



Hallo, We are Christians that want to have Conversations with all people about the Good News of God's love.                

To download a list of All the WhatsApp Groups that we used for conversations, with all the links to join...


Two WhatsApp Groups that we want to Highlight:



Most TESTIMONIES are of once dedicated Muslims, most after an encounter with the living Jesus. Personal; Strong; Powerful; Miraculous; Overwhelming.

Testimonies like…

🔸I left Islam because I studied Muhammad’s life; I accepted the Gospel because I studied Jesus’ life – (Nabeel Qureshi). That was the truth that sets him free!

🔸Listen to this One of many powerful Testimonies of how a Muslim found the Lord Jesus as his Saviour  

💥But not all Muslims that leave Islam have such an encounter with God. Many just became fed-up with Islam and became Atheists.

🔸Here is one example

👉Join this WhatsApp Group here for many more such Testimonies – Click here 👇                                                                                                                      👉 And, for many more such testimoniesalso Go to our Blog Page: ISLAM – FACTS & MYTH -  (Welcome to share it with friends)


  • Persone wat ons vanaf Facebook op WhatsApp kontak, ontvang 'n outomatiese antwoord boodskap met 'n lys van al die WhatsApp Groepe wat hulle uitnooi om daarby in te skakel.
  • Verder nooi ons die persone op ons kontak-lyste via Broadcasts asook op ons Facebook Blaaie om deel van hierdie groepe te word. Sodanig groei van hierdie groepe met baie nuwe lede. 'n Paar van hierdie Groepe bestaan reeds uit meer as 400 lede.
  • Die aantal Persone met wie daar tans deurlopend op hierdie Groepe gesprekke gevoer word, staan tans op meer as  3000. 
  • Ons span medewerkers wat oor die tyd saam met ons begin werk het, is reeds meer as 120 persone - sommige selfs vanuit die buiteland. 

5. Help met die borg van Advertensies:

L.W. Ons 'VRA' nie net DONASIES nie; Ons 'GEE' graag van ons kant ..

Vir elke Donasie - GEE ons graag : 'n Eboek van jou keuse om af te laai van ons boekwinkel / Buy any of our Books in our Bookshop and Support us... 

To Donate - use any of the following methods

Or Donate for KoFie-Project via our
International PayPal-Account:
To Donate via PayPal... Click here
Or...Click on the Logo Underneath




Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior.

I am Rehan Ali, Originally from Pakistan and now residing in South Africa since 21 years. I came from a Muslim Background family where my father was a responsible to train Muslim youth to propagate Islam with non-Muslims.

I memorized Quran at the age of 16 and thereafter got involved in practical ministry with my father. We went to Moscow, Russia for a conference and where I was given a task to use Media and share Islam with Christians. I was only encouraged to reach Christians, not Hindus or Jews or Atheist and that was surprise for me.

When came back from Moscow, I was widely involved in Media to propagate Islam with Christians. It was going on very well as many were not Disciples and therefore I can make them confuse about their faith as well. I simply asked. Are you saved? Yes was the response. I asked, saved from what? Oh we are saved from sin. So you do not commit sin anymore, I asked. Yes we still do then I said, then how you are saved? Basically, I was confusing them between Justification and Sanctification Salvation.

Then I met Pastor Graham who was looking for a Muslim to share the gospel and that is how we spent 5 years together discussing online. His approach was to make me understand that I am a sinner and indeed need a savior. So, we discussed a lot in 5 years, here I would like to share 1 conversation.


Graham: Imagine if you are standing before Allah & HE asked. Give me 1 reason to let you enter in Heaven. What would you say?

Me: I will say, I was a devoted Muslim, went for pilgrim, help many poor, try to do good deeds and perform prayers etc.

Graham: ok, let us talk about Prayers.

Me: sure.

Graham: What you get when pray 1 time?

Me: Blessings, Barkah.

Graham: how many

Me: We are not told.

Graham: if miss 1 time prayer then?

Me: I think 72 years burning in Hell and 15 other punishments.

Graham: so, you know the punishments but not the Rewards.

Me: yes.

Graham: so how many prayers have you missed?

Me: I can’t even remember.

Graham: so even if you missed 100 prayers, it will be thousand years in hell fire. Can you think you can make it?

Me: this makes me think about my inner being as a sinful، failure and in competence to achieve Eternal life by myself.

This approach was making me think that I need a savior and cannot save myself. So, after 5 years, while in Pakistan, I accepted Christ.

Then when I shared this with my family, everyone instantly turned against me, and I got some threats from my cousin, relatives and Muslim scholars. I left Pakistan and came to South Africa where I went to Africa school of Mission for a certificate in Missiology and there, I met my wife, Charlene.

She came from a Missionary background, and we have 13 years old Daughter, Sarah Eunice. We served in Zambia for 3 years and serving in South Africa since last 12 years. Our calling is to equip and train the Bride of Christ on how to share the Gospel with Muslims, Help MBB to grow in God’s word & plant a Church among them.

I served many years with Andreas Maurer, Gerhard Nel, Brian Marrian, Kevin Daly and John Gilchrist in South Africa. At the moment I am also involved in Pakistan where I train leaders in Muslim evangelism and I am also very much involved on Media ministry where I am sharing the Gospel with Pakistani Muslims.

I am a founder of a Ministry called “Fazale Rab” here in South Africa where I conduct public discussion with local Muslims, train the Churches and organization in Muslim evangelism and help MBB in Discipleship.

As for my family, after 5 years, my family contacted me when heard that I got married. They wanted to share Islam with my wife and we used that opportunity to re-establish our relationship with them.

I have a Master in Biblical Education by Extension through BEE world. They are based in Colorado and used to come to Africa where I joined the 10 years program. This training really helps me to provide answers to Muslims objection about our faith from the Bible.

We always have been part of local Church in Zambia, Johannesburg and now here in Durban. We always try to be part of the congregation and try to encourage & help them to share the Gospel with Muslims.

I also served World Outreach and Open Doors as a volunteer and now I am focusing on Media ministry which is very much needed and Muslims are much open to listen and share about Islam.

I travel often to Pakistan, meet MBB, disciples them, plant churches and arrange Baptism. I train local leaders and trying to create a team who can serve with me online among the Muslims.

In the last 9 years we had 128 Muslims who decided to follow Jesus, 36 were baptized and I personally met 64. God has been so gracious.

Many Blessings


We are trying to share the Gospel with South African and Pakistani Muslims by using Media. 
The easy-to-use way to do it is to create a post with engaging question such as: Why one should become Muslim? If Allah ask, why should I let you go in heaven, what would you say? How many ways you can hope to get eternal life? Why do you pray 5 time a day? When do we get sinful nature if not at birth? etc. 
These are the questions that we use to create posts; Then we boost the post for around 40K people, while generally around 1K respond; 500 like or greet, while 300 go a bit more in discussion.
We generally have around 50 people who really want to engage. With these 50 people we need full attention and commitment. Therefore we need more people to hire who can serve full time.
We had 134 Muslims in last 8 years who accepted Christ; 38 were Baptized and more than 250,000 hear the Gospel.
Thanks for your prayer and support...

🔸Pray for the 2 Missionaries who are helping me in Pakistan Media outreach Ministry, for their security and for them to grow in knowledge.
🔸Pray that I can hire these 2 Missionaries for full time so thousand more can hear the Gospel.
🔸Pray for safe house for those who are persecuted once accept the Lord Jesus. very important.
🔸Pray for funds to start small garments factory to provide jobs for MBB and their families.
🔸Pray that God continue to bring more Muslims to Media and they ask questions.
🔸Pray that we can start house Churches among the MBBs.

Rehan Ali. 
WhatsApp: 0713452967       

Bank Account Name: Rehan Ali
Bank  - FNB, First National Bank, South Africa                                 
Acc. No. – 62227401247 
Branch code – 220229  
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Die Evangelie is bedoel vir ALMAL OP DIE AARDE

Soos gedeel op Facebook deur Dane Meyer. seuntjie Reuben het hierdie geteken vanoggend en dit na my toe gebring..Ek het nie gevra vir die prentjie nie...Hy vra toe of ons dit nie asb vir almal op die aarde kan stuur nie...😭😭😭...ek sê toe dat ek nie almal op die aarde ken nie maar sal dit stuur vir almal wat ons ken...Toe se hy dat ek vir almal moet vra om dit aan te stuur vir almal wat hulle ken... dan sal dit oor die aarde versprei..(die geloof van 'n kind)

So hier is dit nou...Laat die hele wêreld hoor...Daar is n GOD wat ons sondes op Hom geneem het en die VOLLE  prys daarvoor betaal het. Sy naam is Jesus...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Wat wil Johan in die Kongo probeer bereik tydens sy 3 jaar Sendingprogram?


Waarop Johan in die volgende 3 jaar wil fokus en hoop om te bereik:

1. Mission, Vison and Goals: Kyk by

2. Opsommend: "Feet that bring Good News to isolated villages along the Congo River".

3. In my skyfie-aanbieding stel ek dit as voilg: 

Om saam met die plaaslike kerke volhoubare metodiek te vestig sodat:

a. Soveel moontlik villages langs die Kongorivier en sytakke met die Goeie Nuus  bereik kan word.

b. Evangelisering, kerkplanting, pastore opleiding en basiese landboukennis oordrag. (Farming God's Way staan op 'n Skrifgerigde rentmeesterskap fondasies!)

c. Bemagtig die bestaande Kerk in Kisangani met kennis, metodiek en meer  internasionale netwerke.

d. Uitbou van die gemeenskaplike internasionale Christen  netwerk rondom Frontline Fellowship se sendingdoelwitte soos Kisangani Bible Society, Yakusu Sendinghospitaal, Universiteit van Kisangani (Fakulteite Teologie en Medisyne) en Libraries for Pastors.

e. Die aard van die geografiese roete na Kisangani gee geleentheid om die Evangelie van Vrede te hervestig in die getraumatiseerde Oostelike DRK Kongo.

Saamgevat in enige van die volgende...

"Taking the Good News to the ends of the earth in time".

of Feet that bring the Gospel of Peace to war torn eastern Congo.

of Feet that bring Good News to isolated villages along the Congo River.

of  Mat 24:14 gehoorsaamheid (dringentheid)