Monday, June 14, 2021

A Christian Apologetic to People that don't believe the Bible any more (and sometimes aggressively oppose it)


Vriende, Ek is betrokke by Muslim Evangelisasie op Sosiale Media. So kom ek op interessante goete af, soos daardie "held" onder Muslims, Dr Bart Ehrman, 'n sogenaamde "Bybelwetenskaplike Teoloog". Muslims gebruik sy materiaal gereeld om my te peper oor ons Bybel en Geloof.

Friends, I'm involved in Muslim Evangelism on Social Media. I come against interesting things, like this "hero" among Muslims, Bart Ehrman, a so-called Bible science Theologian. I share this information to give you an idea of how aggressively some "theologians" are turning against the Bible these days. 

I found many times how Muslims quote Ehrman as he says exactly what they want to hear to proof their Islamic religion against Jesus Christ as our only Saviour and to degrade the Bible as a "corrupt" book. It's not strange to say that he prefer to not be called a "Christian" any more.

Do you know what this sign symbolise? The official Atheist Symbol.

This atheist Ehrman was already one of the award winners of the "Freedom from Religion foundation" They are a bunch of proud Atheist that want to get rid of all Religion, especially the Christian faith. They attack Christians with lawsuits against any Christian sounding posts or initiative, like one against a praying judge on the bench; the position of a Christian Chaplain at a school, or a Post on a Hospital notice board with a prayer for the hospital staff and patients.

No wonder that LGBTQ+ Pride is also a strong issue on their agenda.

Money is no problem for them: This foundation gives $45,000 prices for a student essay contest (to enhance their goal)

Typical slogans: "We create gods in times of weakness. Stay strong and be your own God" by an "out of the closet Atheist. They even have a "Unabashed Atheist of the week".

Therefore it's necessary to take note about this guys and be prepared to their accusations. Fortunately still in America!? How long before it reach South Africa?

With the attached article from Dr Jay Smith, you can get answers to all the accusations and "attacks" they make. We should be able to answer and defend this type of attacks against our faith from those people effectively, at least for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ek deel hierdie inligting om jou 'n idee te gee hoe aggressief sommige "teoloë" deesdae teen die Bybel draai. Hopelik, in die aangehegde artikel van Dr Jay Smith, kan jy ook antwoorde kry op al hierdie "aanslae" wat hulle aanvoer.

The attached Video from Ehrman is very strongly negative against the Bible as he stated categorically that it is completely unreliable etc. (and that nearly every Christian Scholar among his colleagues agree with him) 

Ehrman's approach is definitely fuel to the Muslims' fire and he seems to like the attention he gets from them.

Who is Bart Ehrman? Another view on the man and also some of his lies against the Bible. (See underneath for a website that answers Ehrman's accusations)

Therefore I include this Article from Jay Smith (The Bible: A Christian Apologetic).

Lastly, I want to share this Website with lots of material from Christian scholars that answer people like Ehrman on various issues and accusations and provocative conclusions about our faith 

Go to the Website to see a List of Material available on the Ehrman Project.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Like to Sponsor Advertisements on Facebook to share the Gospel.


Eerstens, BAIE DANKIE... vir almal wat met my verjaarsdag die vorige week, die "Volstruisie" se oproep opgeneem het en met 'n paar Donasies gehelp het.  

Ons wil graag tydens hierdie Covid-virus tyd die meeste van die geleentheid maak deur baie meer Internet-inisiatiewe te neem. Mense was nog nooit so tuisgebonde soos tans nie en daarom ook baie meer broos en ontvanklik vir die Goeie Nuus van die Evangelie.

With our KoFie-project we share the Gospel (Various selected Posts that are tested to be favourites among a specific People Group and language) specifically on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

You are again invited to Sponsor some of those Advertisement and so be actively involved in sharing the Gospel with us. 

Anybody that ever done distribution of Bibles or Tracts will know the challenges with that. Here we do the same, but not in the hands of people but on people's Computers or Mobile Screens. The only difference is that this method is much more effective, time and cost wise. You very easy reach those people where the Gospel is normally not very available  or where they are not easily able to accept it duo to security or other threats like Religious and Political restrictions.

Why we do it? 

The most amazing fact is that by this Open Internet Door one can reach specific Unreached People Groups to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus. 

Effectiveness and costs: 

For a one time Advertisement, running for 5 Days, one can reach thousands of people on Facebook or Instagram, with an expected higher than 10% response rate. Cost: R100 per Boost.

Some Posts that I plan to Boost in the Next week; Welcome to sponsor any one or more...

Welcome to click on the links provided to see the specific Post on Facebook. 

No 1) SECRETS OF THE KORAN by John Richardson.; WHAT AN EYE Opener TO READ & STUDY in Search for the TRUTH. (Focussed on Muslims)


No 3) ARE YOU WILLING TO FOLLOW JESUS? - On the Page: Good News for All people.

No 4) On the Page:  Positive Politics - Rather Build than Break our South Africa

This Page aim to focus on Positive Politics in South Africa, based on God's Kingdom Principles, especially in our Political Affairs.

HOW TO SPONSOR / MAKE A DONATION /BUY A BOOK IN OUR BOOKSHOP (All moneys received are used for our KoFie-Project Ministry)

Go To our Bookshop here...

Make a Donation / Pay for Books...

For more information / Questions or to send your Information after Making a Payment...

👉WhatsApp to +27-764285260 or 

👉eMail to 

  • your own Details (Name, Phone & Email)
  • what Post No you want to Sponsor
  • What Book you like to receive from our Bookshop
Dankie / Thank you.
Wees Geseënd / Be Blessed.

Chris Visser

Koninkryksfokus - KoFie-Projek.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

1. 🤔Hallo, ek het gesê ek wil ernstig met jou praat 🤔

1.    Hallo, ek het gesê ek wil ernstig met jou praat 🤔

Onthou jy, ek het jou gesê...

die ding staan so...

Ek verjaar vandag en as mens verjaar – van kleins af was dit so...Dan verwag mens mos ’n present.

Ek weet nie waarom nie, maar dit was maar altyd so...

En nou? Nee, ek soek nie ’n geskenk nie; Inteendeel, ek wil vir jou een gee.

Hier’s jou geskenk vir my verjaarsdag!

Laai gerus vir jou enige van die Boeke in ons Boekwinkel as ‘n Gratis (geskenk) af.

Mag ek aanbeveel: My eie lewensverhaal: Chrisjan Visserman en die Jabes-gebed.

Lees net ’n kort uittreksel uit die boek... Bladsy 80 Die doel waarom ek die verhaal vertel.

Ek het baie lank daaroor getwyfel en baie gebid of ek ooit hierdie gebeure op skrif moet stel, en of ek dit nie maar net heeltemal uit my geheue moet uitvee en dit in die graf laat afsluit nie. Tog was daar soveel om daaruit te leer, en boweal uiteindelik God se hand daarin te sien en Hom op die ou end tog baie eer te laat kry, dat ek tog besluit het om dit te publiseer. Wat die aanvanklike bedoeling ook al was, baie goed het daaruit voortgespruit en daarom verdien dit om vertel te word. Verder is daar, terugskouend, heelwat dinge wat so skeef-snaaks was, dat mens dit selfs as humor kan beskou, alhoewel dit seker is wat onder “galge-humor” bedoel sou word.

Vervolg verder: Mag ek eers iets deel oor my eie Sendingroeping: