KoFie-Projek 2024
Vriende, hiermee
bietjie nuwe inligting oor ons bediening: Koninkryksfokus.
Ons gaan voort
met ons KoFie-Projek ...
om die evangelie op Sosiale Media te deel met ons material;
verder en wyer!
2024 veral ’n Groot Jaar vir die finalisering van die Groot Opdrag wees.
is opgewonde oor wonderlike deure wat die Here via Sosiale Media ook vir ons met
ons KoFie-Projek
oopgemaak het. Ek is veral dankbaar vir verskeie medewerkers en ondersteuners wat
hieraan meedoen.
Ons Materiaal:
gerus weer na ons materiaal wat oor jare ontwikkel is om die evangelie te deel
en Sendingmobilisering verder uit te bou – Kyk op ons Blog: Koninkryksfokus – Kingdom Focus.
Ons Fokus op Islam:
Islam die grootste enkele groepering van Onbereiktes met die Evangelie is, fokus
ons die laaste ruk baie meer daarop. Ons het dus ook ‘n Blog daarvoor geskep: Islam – Facts & Myths.
Vir ons
kommunikasie met Moslems gebruik ons verskeie platforms. Eerstens ons Facebook blad:
Christians and
Muslims Conversations (met 12,000+ followers) asook verskeie WhatsApp
Groepe wat spesifiek na Moslems uitreik.
Ek het die afgelope jare ook ‘n Boek oor die onderwerp van Islam-Evangelisasie geskryf
en dateer dit voortdurend op.
- Meer
inligting oor die Boek: (A Virtual Book on a Blog)
Die boek spreek meeste van die kernsake met Islam aan en probeer antwoord die vrae wat Moslem het. Die inhoud is beslis nie my eie slimgeit nie, maar steun swaar op die kennis van die bekendste kundige persone (met sover moontlik die nodige bronverwysings waar ek hulle werk deel).
- Die boek probeer dus ‘n samevatting te wees van die mees onlangse navorsing wat beskikbaar is. Omdat dit ‘n virtuele boek is, kan dit gemaklik voortdurend opdateer word met nuwe materiaal, soos dit steeds na vore kom en gepubliseer word.
· Title of the Book: GOD & ISLAM – FACTS & MYTHS
· 16 Headings or Sections with 65 Chapters;
· Readers of the Book can translate the book’s material in any selected language via the build in Google Translate App provided.
· Total Pageviews for the book is now already at 21,300+ (Read more about the challenges about this underneath)
Our Challenges:
· The Material
must reach the correct viewers (Different languages, closed borders and
dangerous persecution for Christians make it difficult)
· So many
unreached people needs creative ways to reach large numbers (There are still
nearly 40 % of the world that don’t ever heard an understandable Gospel
is a fact that Facebook blocked many Christian material (specifically about
Islam) and one needs every creative method to try to Advertise or Boost our contents
on their platform. At this stage we still post material, but are not successful
in advertise anything on Facebook. The link of our Book about Muslim evangelism
is blocked on Facebook a few years ago. If this did not happen, the book would already
have been read by many more people.
· Note: We are
Not Criminals! Facebook just sent a generalized message saying that a specific post
was blocked, as this violates their community rules, but never give detail
information of any specifics of how and why. To communicate with them about any
of this is impossible! This is very frustrated!)
· Costs: Yes, all
advertisements cost money; The more funds we have available, the more viewers can
reach from our taken groups. On the other hand, is Social
Media and the Internet so much cheaper than the traditional methods.
to share our Material via KoFie-Project:
Praise God, Social Media and
the Internet is available and relatively cheap and one can reach many people,
over restricted borders of language and security.
Recent technology and hundreds
of new Apps are developed lately and these open new opportunities - if interested,
read underneath more about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to apply
it in evangelism.
- On a huge scale like Frank
Turek from Cross Examined: INTRODUCING
- On our smaller scale as KoFie-Project
(we don’t have this large number of personal and American Dollars to invest)
New focus
on YouTube Video’s
Lately we develop videos and
advertise it on various platforms. We use Promolta as our Video Advertiser with
remarkable success as the number of subscribers and views increases dramatically.
(This channel gained 26,288 views in the first 3 weeks)
Welcome to visit our channel here:
Kingdom Focus - KoFie-project @koninkryksfokus7820
‧ 401
subscribers‧ 46 videos.
Channel Link:
Share the
Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Our total Playlist:
Our Latest
Videos (used the AI-technology with Text2Speech by ElevenLabs)
The Truth about Islam (1681 views after
3 days)
How I became right with God (697 views)
Our Most
viewed Videos (thanks to Promolta advertising)
· Islam a Religion of Peace (4600 views)
· Facts and Myths about Jesus in Islam (6057
Welcome to select any video in
our list and help us to Advertise it further:
Help us to Promote our Videos to increase the number of viewers:
Promolta that promotes the YouTube
videos promised to continue until a minimum of the following numbers of views
are reached:
$10 to
promote any specific Video: minimum 500 views (usually many more)
$100 to
promote all videos on the whole channel: minimum 10,000 views.
Welcome to contact us with any
For any Donation use this
(Please follow it up with an email to vischris@gmail.com
to indicate for which project)
- Seรซnwense,
- Chris Visser (082-9269364)
- Koninkryksfokus – KoFie-Projek