This man, Dr Jay Smith, was the person that really triggered my interest in Muslim Evangelism.
For long I was also impressed with the "so holy and dedicated" Muslims and their religious zeal. Many Christians told me about this people that should be an example to us Christians, as they are so religious: "pray 5 times a day, have the yearly fast at Ramadan etc." - till I learned more about the real Islamic truth.
Islam is a man made religion, kept going only by fear and total ignorance of their enslaved members, not able to ask critical questions or allowed to do so by their so called scholars - in accordance with the example from their self appointed prophet and messenger of Allah; that which they continue to force upon the rest of the World.
Jay Smith is called a Islamophobic by Muslims, but the truth is that he is actually a learned specialist of this Religion, their history and their original books (The Quran and Hadiths) and the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN).
He knows it better than most Muslim scholars can dream of and they have no answer to any of his acclamations.
With the research material that he and his team bring to the table, they are busy to reveal one lie after the other about this tragic Religion and their false made up historical background.
Yes, Islam brag that they are a fast growing religion - in numbers - but that must also be investigated to get the real truth. Another story for another day!
Read this report from Jay Smith about their work in 2021.