Tuesday, November 26, 2019

CCM and the Question: Why Muslims?

CCM and the Question: Why Muslims?

I am privilege to be involved with the CCM (Christian Concern with Muslims) conference at the church of the Pentecostal Outreach Fellowship in Durban this coming weekend. I look forward to the opportunity to learn from leaders in the field of M-evangelism, people like CCM executives Ivan Krishna and Fred Nel from Eternal Life Outreach, who is very experienced in this field of ministry and know the Durban area very well. He will take me around to a number of sites in this regard. 

1.    Why Missions - Why Muslims?

Lately I became more and more involved with Muslim evangelism due to my KoFie-project (Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie) where I administer two Facebook Pages in this field (see the information at the end of this post). The CCM guys even designate me as the CCM representative for Pretoria and to serve as the Webmaster for their Website. 
This question “Why Missions - Why Muslims?” became more and more a personal challenge or need to answer for me personally as it was necessary to rethink my future ministry and general road ahead. Where to maximize my focus and involvement.

2.    Why Muslims?

Once I received this question: “Why Muslims? They are a small minority in our country. Why rather not use your ministry time focusing on the other big needs in our own country? The fact is that very few Muslims ever accepts the Good News ”.
Firstly I don’t think that statement is correct. But while I was busy rethinking this question I came up with the following answers for myself:

Why Muslims? 
The short answer is: Although we are not so interested in them, they are very interested in us; you and me!
★The international Halal initiative whereby Islam organisations try to dominate all business and trade with the Halal certification of food products, is one proof of a planned strategy behind the scenes. (You can read more about it here
★The following information is an example of Islam's Dawah (missions) strategies:
★★ A national Quran drive was driven in South Africa during 5 to 9 August. The joint project between Islamic Dawah Movement (IDM), Fusion Inyameko Foundation SA (FIFSA) and Light of Guidance Islamic Centre (LOGIC) aimed to distribute 20 000 Qurans and gift packs to various communities across the country whilst aiming to achieve the promotion of Islam and distribution of Islamic literature.

3.    Why Missions in the first place? 

During my past ministry focusing on Mission Mobilization I was rethinking this many times. 

What is our main Motivation for doing Missions?

I even wrote a few books (in Afrikaans), searching the Bible to answer this question.
  • Ja vir Sending, meer lof vir God  
  • Die Oorlog van die Woedende Draak teen die Vrou
  • Netso stuur Ek julle ook, om Priesters van GOD te wees.
    The answers that I figure out for myself are shortly as follows:
    1. Missions is NOT in the first place about the Great Commission, to be obedient to Christ because He sent us. 
    2. It is also NOT about saving the lost souls that are on the way to hell.
    3. Missions IS ALL ABOUT maximizing honoring our Creator and praising God as our King, our Heavenly Father. Therefor we need to share the gospel to every person on this earth so that they also can join being His disciples, the real church, the heavenly choir of Revelation; those that will sing praises in heaven to Him that sits on the throne and to the Lamb (Rev 5:12-13).

    4.    Our Motivation for our KoFie-project

    In explaining the Motivation for our KoFie-initiatives, I summarize it as follows.
    ·       God's blessings to be a blessing (Gen. 12:1-3);
    ·       All about the King and His Kingdom (Rev 1:4-6);
    ·       We are His Priests (1 Pet 2:9, Rom 15:16);
    ·       For God's Glory (Rom 16:26-27),
    ·       Jesus's Vision for All Nations (Rev 5:9-14; Mat 24:14)

    5.    But...Why Muslims?


    With more than 1,8 Billion people in 2019, Islam is a very important religion and must be considered as such. That is... Nearly one in every 4 people in the world today is Muslim. It is expected to increase to nearly 30% in 2050. To put it in perspective, in 2050 half of all “unreached peoples” will be Muslims. They just can’t be ignored in our Missions focus.


    One of my Ex-Muslim's friends wrote a very interesting and important book about Islam “Identity Theft” - Unmasking Allah's Fraudulent Claim to Yahweh's Throne. (Read it Here)
    It’s about God's honour being at stake. Islam stole what is only belonging to God. His Almighty Power as the Only One on the throne.
    ·       * Peter indicates this when he says that God's call to all humanity is based on His divine glory or doxa (2 Peter 1:3).
    ·       * Paul defended his ministry to Gentiles with the message of Christ by arguing that God's honor required it (Romans 9:22-23). God's honor and glory is revealed in Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3).

    Of all the religions in the world today, Islam most strongly rejects the Bible message and the Only Truth of Jesus Christ as God by putting something else in His place.
    This must be rectified at all cost by sharing the REAL TRUTH of the GOSPEL!


    Many Muslims are not free to hear the Gospel and therefore don’t know the truth. One think about the prayer of the Lord Jesus on the cross in Luke 23:34 “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”
    Increasing numbers of Muslims are dissatisfied with the religion of Islam and are in search for the truth. Many Muslims turn to Christ today. The number of Ex-Muslim websites on the net and Facebook grow they by day.
    Lastly, as mentioned already, although many Christians are ignorant about Islam and are not interested to get involved, the fact is that Islam is interested in us. With their Dawah- mission strategies they are busy planning how to reach the whole world for Allah. They use various methods to reach it, religious means but also politics and the economy (just do some research about the Halal trade mentioned above)
    Therefor Islam can’t be ignored! ! !

    6.    How to partner with our ministry:

    Come get involved! Join us at any of the following ways:
    6.1. Join our CCM ministry and got trained. (Go to www.ccm.org.za)

    6.2. Visit and Check our KoFie-Project and our Facebook Pages about our M-ministry 
    ·       <Conversation with Muslimsand
    ·       <Know and Understand Islam

    6.3. Prayer - Pray for us:
    •  Pray for Internet-Evangelism to Muslims: Register and Pray for Internet-Evangelism to Muslims at https://m.facebook.com/groups/468354330202060
    •  Join our WhatsApp prayer support group: Participants register on the WhatsApp Number +27 67 195 7980 with their name and the message “KoFie-Pray”. 
    • Pray for Internet-Evangelism to Muslims: Register and Pray for Internet-Evangelism to Muslims at https://m.facebook.com/groups/468354330202060
    •  Join our WhatsApp prayer support group: Participants register on the WhatsApp Number +27 67 195 7980 with their name and the message “KoFie-Pray”.  
    6.4. Partner with Financial support: Buy and Pay for books or Make a Donation         (Click here for our Banking details)


    Yours, for the sake of His Kingdom and Glory,
    Chris Visser,

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