Wednesday, September 18, 2019


'n Uittreksel uit my vorige epos


Ek gaan DV e.k. Donderdag saam met 'n Uitreikgroep na Frankryk (Fokus op die eiland Korsika).
Ons ondersoek lank reeds die moontlikheid van 'n Facebook-inisiatief in Frans. Behalwe Frankryk met Frans as hooftaal, is daar meer Franssprekendes buite Frankryk (veral Afrika) as in Frankryk self. (Daar is selfs 'n Franssprekende gemeente in Pretoria).
Visum is gereed; Reeds begin pak; Die nodige fondse kom ook mooi in. PdH! 
Ons vlieg Donderdag 19 - Terug DV 4 Oktober
Bid asseblief vir ons Uitreik, Beskerming, Behoeftes en Seën.
As jy ingesluit wil word in gereelde WhatsApp Gebedsversoeke oor die volgende 3 weke, stuur gerus 'n WhatsApp na +27 67 195 7980 (Verwys: KoFie-Bid)

Fwd: I Surrender All, I Surrender All

Ek wil hierdie Gratis Aanlyn Bybelstudie... graag aanbeveel. 

Kyk gerus daarna...

I Surrender All, I Surrender All
Laura Story, author of I Give Up
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to thee, my blessed savior.
I surrender all. 

It's a pretty familiar song. And probably like you, I've sat in church and sung it a dozen times. But did I really mean it, surrender all? Really?

Quite honestly, I probably didn't. Sure, I was sincere, but I'm not sure I really understood what it meant.

Over the past several months, I've been exploring what real surrender looks like. And by diving into the Bible, I've discovered some truths that I would love to share with you. I'm calling this new study I Give Up: The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life. 

I believe that surrender isn't just a one-time decision made during an altar call, or in the heat of the battle when you're at the very end of your rope.

Surrender is 1,000 little choices made day by day, moment by moment. And in this study, we'll look at why we should surrender and how it can be done.

Because giving up is scary, but it's a freeing experience.

And here's your chance to give up. Let's do it together.

Watch the video invitation from Laura

  Watch the Video

All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever l love and trust Him
In His presence, daily live.
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee, my blessed Savior
I surrender all 

FREE Video Access to all 5 Sessions

As always, you'll get FREE access to all 5 teaching videos with Laura, plus there will be other FREEBIES that you will love, including prayer and Scripture printables and the first chapters of the book and study guide that you can download and start reading right away!

(And this study has one of the most beautifully-designed study guides/workbooks we have ever seen!)

You're going to love this one! Who's in? Show of hands! 


We want you with us for this next OBS!
  Learn more and get the freebies

P.S. If you're a musician you don't want to miss the FREE "I Give Up" song sheet for Laura's newest single that you'll receive when you join!

Check out the free resources...
Save 40% off Study Materials
As Laura writes, she no longer wants to be in control of her life. She wants to be rooted in the God who is in control. I Give Up will help you discover a deeper life of worship, a fuller life of joy, and a freer life of true surrender as you open your hands to God. And give up..

Study Guide was $14.99.
Sale $8.99 (40% off)

FaithGateway ~ our mission is to help you grow and share your faith.

© 2019 HarperCollins Christian Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
501 Nelson Place, Nashville, TN 37214, USA

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Martyrs for Christ

Visit ... Martyrs for Christ

(Jammer vir my lelike spelglips verlede week. 
"Martures" Eisjh.  Dis die Ingelse se skuld! )