Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Adriaan en Marina Fourie - SA Truckers Ministry Nuusbrief - Januarie 2025

Adriaan en Marina Fourie - SA Truckers Ministry Nuusbrief met kortnuus en fotos - Januarie 2025

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Friday, December 13, 2024

The Gospel at work in India!


Is the Missio Dei framework on its way out?

 Is the Missio Dei framework on its way out?

Conversations with Global South leaders is making me think soTed Esler Nov 21, 2024

Missiologists have been holding up the “Missio Dei” view of the Great Commission for quite some time now. The development of Missio Dei can be traced back to the 1950s. Bosch is probably most cited as a basal author on this topic, but Christopher Wright’s treatment of it in the Mission of God and his talks at Lausanne’s 2010 gathering cemented this as a dominant view within missiology over the past two decades.

Let me quickly describe the Missio Dei framework. Forgive me up front - there are mixed opinions on what “Missio Dei” refers to and this is a hugely simplified summary. Missio Dei refers to a view of missions with the following broad attributes::

It holds that God is on mission and we join with him. The important inference here is that the church (or missionaries, or even Christians) is not on mission, God is. The church merely joins with him. Human activity (agency) is a byproduct of God’s moving in the world to do his will. We have not been given a mission.

The scope of mission is inclusive of the redemption of all creation. Thus, the traditional view of mission which focuses on evangelism, discipleship, and the planting of churches is not to be elevated above creation care, social justice/progress, human flourishing, and so on. How God acts and works generally cannot be separated from a more specific command to disciple the nations.

Grace, particularly expressed by God’s love, is the driving factor behind all God does. Thus, God’s mission is inextricably linked to his character. This is essentially a reaffirmation of my first bullet because it ties mission so closely to God. This tends to ignore the fullness of his character which is holy and that holiness itself (which is loving, by the way) demands judgment.

Missio Dei theologians often emphasize the effects of the fall (“all of creation fell, thus all of creation needs redemption”) whereas traditional missions tend to focus on human sin and the need for personal redemption.

Feel free to critique or add elements to this definition in the comments.

The fallout from Missio Dei missiology has been profound. I know this is rather unpopular with some, but I think it is fair to say that Missio Dei has resulted in the deconstruction of mission at many levels. If you do not believe me, ask the mainline Protestant denominations where they get their missiology. I do not think the original authors saw Missio Dei as a force for deconstruction, but when wed to contemporary social changes, it most certainly has become that. A missiology in which everything is missions empties missions of any meaning. Missio Dei has been a significant contributor to this form of deconstruction.

My international travel this year has included a handful of very enlightening conversations with Global South leaders. I have purposefully sought to tease out how non-Westerners are understanding missiological frameworks. The critique of Missio Dei missiology is rather stark. These observations might be hard for a Westerner like me to make, since I “live in the fishtank” in which Missio Dei arose. Here is a smattering of snippets I wrote down during and after conversations:

Our mission is about the souls of people. When (you) Westerners begin talking about missions, you make it so abstract. I am more concerned with the person sitting across from me, living in sin. They need freedom from that sin regardless of their financial or physical situation (this happened after touring a ministry to disabled people in Egypt).

People like to say, “Find out where God is at work and join him.” Our ministry is different. We are trying to find places where there is no evidence of God working. These are the unreached places Paul talked about (this conversation happened with an African leader after a presentation about the Joshua Project website at Lausanne).

Our mission is different than the mission of the church. The church is great at being there for people. It is like a family. We are the special forces. We like to go where nobody else wants to go (Latin American missions leader, reacting to my question, “Why start new missions structures?”).

I have more examples, but these three comments I found to be very concrete.

The one area of missiology where I observe a continued commitment to Missio Dei is from Latin American missiologists who see social justice as mission. This came out loud and clear at the recent Lausanne gathering in Korea. There was a public disagreement about the role of “integral mission.” I think it is fair to say that integral mission is a byproduct of Missio Dei missiology. Perhaps the disagreement points to its declining relevance.

The Missio Dei framework rose in prominence to oppose the failure of modernism. Modernism suggested that constant progress was perfecting humanity and making us better, including morally better. After World War II’s horrors, modernism survived on its fumes for just a few more decades. Missio Dei was a reaction to an overemphasis on human agency found in modernism.

The problem with this, of course, is that it goes too far. We are commanded to do something; however imperfect our actions might be. Jesus commands us to take action. This action is not simply to be Christian, but to take that message to those who are not. Missio Dei provides little distinction between the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

In my conversations with Global South leaders, I find that their missiology is much more focused on what we see the early church doing in obedience to Jesus’ command to disciple the nations. These tend to be evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Perhaps the Missio Dei framework is a Western invention and thus does not fit the Global South movements. Perhaps we are in a new age where modernist reactions are less relevant. Perhaps I suffer from selection bias. Those could all be true at the same time, but I sense a shift is at work.

My observation is that Global South leaders more often express a more action-oriented, less abstract view of their work than Missio Dei presents. For me, that is a healthy, hopeful sign.                                          

Read the Original here...                                                                                        https://open.substack.com/pub/tedesler/p/is-the-missio-dei-framework-on-its?r=1pox1r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email  

Also read... MISSIONS AS PROBLEM SOLVING https://tedesler.substack.com/p/missions-as-problem-solving?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1065666&post_id=152612889&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1pox1r&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Monday, December 9, 2024

Hendrik & Betsy's Newsletter December 2024

 Hendrik & Betsy's from Didasko Missions Academy

Newsletter December 2024  

Very exciting news; Click the link underneath 
