Monday, September 14, 2020



A Simple Strategy
The first week Fred was teaching, the whole extended family lined the walls of the room watching. Fred returned to the church to check a Spanish/English parallel Bible out of the library. The church used Six Bible Discovery Questions to lead the in-home Bible studies.
What do you like about this passage?
What don’t you like about this passage?
What don’t you understand about this passage?
What do you learn about God from this passage?
What do you want to do in your life based on this knowledge?
What verse do you want to think about this week?

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Forging Muslim Friendships

From Shane Bennett... 

Context: If you want to know how ordinary Christians can love Muslims the way Jesus does.

Last week I asked you to choose which type of Muslim Connector you were. Of those who responded, almost 70% chose “You’ve Got a Friend in Me,” the option for people who prefer to engage Muslims through building friendships. 

To start developing skill and confidence in building friendships with Muslims, here are the four super basic steps we need to take and the mistake to avoid. If these feel like kindergarten to you, please pass them on to friends who might be new to all this “Muslim stuff!”

1. Go where you’re more likely to find Muslims. Not so good: Bars, church, Trump rallies or in these crazy COVID days, anywhere in public! Better odds: Pakistan, Louisville, ethnic groceries/apartment complexes/neighborhoods, and in these crazy COVID days, online.

2. Ask good questions. Cultivate curiosity. Risk bugging a few, while blessing most.

3. Share food. Whether you bake, broil or fry in oil, many Muslim cultures are deeply wired to accept, then return, food-borne hospitality. 

4. Share your life. Involve Muslim friends in both normal and exceptional events. Share yourself at the level of depth you’d like the relationship to go to. I’m terrible at this. I want so much to look like I’ve got it together, but this is the path to connection. (Tweet this.)

Avoid this mistake: Don’t put off talking about God. Don’t wait to speak about, and to, Jesus with your new Muslim friend. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

"From Seed to Fruit" - A good read for free.

 I think you might like this book – "From Seed to Fruit: Global Trends, Fruitful Practices, and Emerging Issues among Muslims (Second Edition)" by J. Dudley Woodberry.

Start reading it for free: 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

New Facebook Page - Creative Job Creation; Why not "Like" it ?

I Just started this Page today.

Click on... Creative Job Creation
For a Long time it lay heavy on my heart. Let's Do It!
Creative JOB Creation!
Help, Search, Think, Create, Encourage & Give -
Everybody can make a difference. You Can Too! "
Nobody needs to be convinced that this is Challenge Number ONE for South Africa today. We just can't look to our government; If they have any will to do something, the need stays overwhelming.
News24 reported recently, “The number of households going hungry has doubled in South Africa, according to new research.” There are children who have been eating wild plants due to hunger in Africa. The pressure increases by the day, as more families depend on our soup kitchens for food.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? What must we all do?
* First Step: "Like" this Page to stay Informed.
* Step Two: Pray, Think, Think again, but out of the Box-Creative, and share whatever comes to your mind.
* Step Three: Share your Experience or your knowledge about other initiatives already in progress.
Lastly, just read this first post shared on this Page, and afterwards rethink ... Then "Like" the Page if you don't.