Thursday, August 27, 2020

Free Books from George Verwer.

Know George Verwer of OM? 

He says a dream of his has come true: all but one of his books are now available for free download from and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Testimony 2) More Testimonies why Muslims Leave Islam

Ex-Muslims testimonies

Invitation to Ex-Muslims to share their testimonies ...

“Why did you leave Islam?”

            The need and value of testimonies:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes”  (Romans 1:16)

A Testimony is a powerful tool in sharing what God has done and is continuing to do in our lives. ... Not only do our testimonies represent us coming to Christ, but they can also continue to bring others to Him when we share them.

It is important for us to realize the value of our testimony. Not only do our testimonies represent us coming to Christ, but they can also continue to bring others to Him when we share them. Once accepting Jesus into our hearts, we are to share our testimony in order to be a witness for Christ.

Such a testimony is definitely a method to share the Gospel to a seeking person or somebody else also searching for the true answers of life. It also encourages those in doubt to make a decision to believe the Gospel or persevere on their path of faith.

Download this Report on "Why Muslims Leave Islam" 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Getuienis / Testimony: Why I left Islam

As posted on our Facebook Page...

Conversation with Muslims
about a week ago

We recently asked Ex-Muslims who feel free to share their testimonies why thy left Islam.
We received a number of short testimonies.
🔴I share this one from Allahu Muhammed, which is not so "short" but tell a good and complete story. (names and places mentioned are left out)

"I would have prefered to tell you privately, but for others to learn, I give my reasons why I left Islam. ...

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