Friday, December 31, 2021

Who is Jay Smith? His influence on my ministry for Muslim Evangelism

 This man, Dr Jay Smith, was the person that really triggered my interest in Muslim Evangelism. 

For long I was also impressed with the "so holy and dedicated" Muslims and their religious zeal. Many Christians told me about this people that should be an example to us Christians, as they are so religious:  "pray 5 times a day, have the yearly fast at Ramadan etc." - till I learned more about the real Islamic truth. 

Islam is a man made religion, kept going only by fear and total ignorance of their enslaved members, not able to ask critical questions or allowed to do so by their so called scholars - in accordance with the example from their self appointed prophet and messenger of Allah; that which they continue to force upon the rest of the World.

Jay Smith is called a Islamophobic by Muslims, but the truth is that he is actually a learned specialist of this Religion, their history and their original books (The Quran and Hadiths) and the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN). 

He knows it better than most Muslim scholars can dream of and they have no answer to any of his acclamations.

With the research material that he and his team bring to the table, they are busy to reveal one lie after the other about this tragic Religion and their false made up historical background.

Yes, Islam brag that they are a fast growing religion - in numbers - but that must also be investigated to get the real truth. Another story for another day!

Read this report from Jay Smith about their work in 2021.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

New EBook: GOD & ISLAM - FACTS & MYTHS ...All about the BIBLE

Welcome to read this eBook and share it with your friends.

Section 1 of a Series of Free Books researching the Question 


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

New Facebook GROUP: Come, let's share God's Love to Muslims.

Please read this letter that I sent after an invitation from a "Love Muslims Together" Network from Canada. Welcome to take your own action in respond to the contents.
Especially look to the last Paragraph where you are invited and are able to join our Local Initiative - a Private Facebook Group "Come, Lets share the Love of God to Muslims"
Thanks for sharing your Love Muslims Together Network for Canada.
We would love to take hands with you especially to learn more from your way of doing things..
(I include their Website address as I want you as our partners on our side to study it yourself - )
May I introduce myself:
I am an Afrikaans speaking South African, retired missionary pastor, part of a ministry CCM (Christian Concern for Muslims), but this ministry is not functioning well at this stage.
During the last few years we try several initiatives to reach out to Muslims. Here are various smaller initiatives going on but we are not really succeeding in much with bad networking seeming our biggest problem.
I am very interested in your Love Muslims Network for Canada. I think we can learn a lot from you and even copy your network in our country. We will definitely like to learn from you and use whatever training material is available from your side.
I call our ministry KoFie.Project (Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie, Afrikaans for Kingdom Focus Internet Evangelism).
Just to give you an idea of what we tried to do up till now:
We started with two Facebook Pages:
1) Conversations with Muslims:
2) Know and Understand Islam:
3) Then we have a Facebook Group with the same Name: Conversations with Muslims:
Both Pages grew in followers (together more than 16,000), but the numbers are of small importance and do not help much in our efforts.
4) Lately, during the time of Covid, I did some research and study to bring together all material I can lay my hands on in a Book on a Blog: [God & Islam - Facts & Myths] with a link that I post on Social Media as well as sharing it in handouts in personal contacts with Muslims.
Note: This link is blocked by Facebook; To get the link of the Blog-Book, please register on the WhatsApp Group God-Islam-Facts
(Oh! this is Not Facebook here; So I can share the Link here..

5) We also add a WhatsApp number on our Pages, and get a lot of messages on WA, with whom one can continue further (Unfortunately Facebook and WhatsApp - the same organisation) - Blocked us every now and then (they also Blocked my WA number and I lost all my contacts built up till then. Now FB Blocked my link for the Book, although we already have 7700 visitors on the Book-Blog (Our aim was 10,000 at December)
But there are ways to again solve the challenges. (I am also busy publishing the Blog-Book on Amazon as a Kindle Book - maybe as a series of more than one)

6) We also formed a few WhatsApp Groups, mainly for prayer supporters, inviting Muslims to study the Bible from a Muslim Perspective, but also with the aim of trying to reach Muslims in conversations (rather than focussing on "debates" )
Information of a Few of the Groups:
-1)Welcome Group: Hallo friend, Welcome @ "Kingdom Focus" 💥As we receive many responses from our WhatsApp buttons on Facebook, we develop a WA-Welcome Group from where positive motivational material can be DOWNLOAD for FREE.
Many more info of our other WhatsApp Groups of Kingdom Focus Projects.
(☺You can easily leave the Group again if you are not satisfied)
To join our Welcome Group click @

-2) God-Islam-Facts: All INTERESTED in the new Published Book 💢GOD & ISLAM - FACTS & MYTHS💢, to read for FREE; if you want to ask questions or make any comment, you are welcome to join here...

-3) Muslim&Christian Talks: This is an open Group for Conversations between Muslims and Christians, discussing issues that anybody may have with the others. As Christians we only have one purpose: To share the Love of God with others. Yes, He also loves you! (You can read about this in the Bible, John 3;16)
Only one rule: Respect for each other and each other's viewpoints. If you disagree, say why and not play the man instead of the ball.

-4) Muslims encounter God: The testimonies of once dedicated Muslims; Personal stories; Strong and Powerful; Miraculous; Overwhelming.
Many share their stories, like...
"I left Islam because I studied Muhammad's life; I accepted the Gospel because I studied Jesus' life" (Nabeel Qureshi)
That was the truth that set him free!

Our main focus is to share the Gospel via Internet initiatives on Facebook and WhatsApp with advertisements of the posts on Facebook and Google Ads. etc.
We get lots of responses, and have good discussions with those that comment on our posts or message us on WhatsApp.
We have a small group of helpers from our side (mainly as prayer supporters and as Admins on our Pages) while many Christians join us when seeing our posts from all over, people that give amazing support and sometimes give very good feedback in their responses with visitors on our Pages and Groups.
Where you think our material can be of value for your networks (our Book, Facebook Pages and Blogs) please share or use it freely.

Today we also launch this new Facebook GROUP:
Come, let's share God's Love to Muslims.
To join this Private Secure Group... (This link will expire within 24 hours. Contact me at if interested afterwards; Then I shall send you a new link or direct invitation)
Our purpose is to be more constructive in planning the way forward together with the willing people that are interested in such a network.
Let's see where God leads us in 2022
For His Glory and Honour alone.
Chris Visser (Forgive More)
Koninkryksfokus - Kingdom Focus
Phone: +27 82 926 9364; WhatsApp +27 76 4285260