Thursday, October 31, 2024

Lausanne 2024 Videos from Plenary sessions

Lausanne has posted some 40 videos from plenary sessions which you can download, share, and watch with your group. Here are some of the big topics they covered:

Day 2: The Holy Spirit as the power for mission

Day 3: The whole Church united in mission

Day 4: Learning from and praying for the persecuted Church

Day 5: Mission in the workplace

Day 6: Christlike servanthood, intergenerational mentoring, and more

Day 7: Mission to the ends of the earth

Take a look. Evidently they plan to expand the “Accelerate” collection to include more resources in months to come. Not sure where to start? Consider these videos a Pioneers colleagues said were his favorites:

Rather read? Our friend Justin Long has compiled a roundup of links to reflections on Lausanne.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

New from Didasko - Setting the Captives Free course (on deliverance ministry)


Didasko News

Dear Didasko Missions Academy student

We have launched the Setting the Captives Free course (on deliverance ministry)

God has given His servants a powerful tool to set people free. The New Testament contains many examples of deliverance. But is it scriptural for us to use it today? Is this kind of ministry still available and relevant? Are missionaries using it as part of their strategy, and what are the results?

All these and many more questions are answered in this course.

This course will help you to understand and apply the Biblical mandate for deliverance. The course is taught by missionaries with experience in deliverance ministry.

Click here to read more about this course:

Jesus's example

We learn from Luke 9:1 that Jesus called His disciples together and gave them power and authority over demons, and power to cure diseases. Then later, as Jesus gave His 'farewell speech,' he said “... And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons ...” (Mark 16:17). Jesus gave a clear command to all who believe. Find out how to in this course.

An overview of the course

This course consists of 4 modules. The first module is the foundation for the rest of the course and covers aspects such as cessationism, the flaw of the excluded middle, Satan’s tactics, names of the devil, perceptions of the spiritual world, Mana, animism, idolatry, magic, taboos, the evil eye, and lastly our authority and defense.

The second module is practical and are taught by missionaries who are currently ministering in Africa.  The devil’s schemes are the same everywhere. This module covers subjects like how demons enter people, what keeps people from being set free, generational curses and the rights of demons.

The third module explains the conditions and obstacles for receiving deliverance, characteristics and preparation of the counsellors (the people doing the deliverance), and the process of deliverance, including deliverance of children, self-deliverance and mass deliverance.

The last module examines the impact that deliverance ministry can have on evangelism and discipleship - and the spread of the Gospel!

Satan’s goal has always been to deceive people, keeping them bound in fear and blind to the gospel. But Jesus showed us, and commanded us, to set the captives free! 

Click here to enroll in the course:

Nuus van Ds Gawie Joubert, XANAGAS.

 Voel jy ook frustrasie en 'n gevoel van hulpeloosheid - wat soms wil oor sit in kwaad word?

Is dit sonde?

Wat is sonde ?

Om die DOEL te mis.

Die oomblik wanneer ONS die bogenoemde goed voel - Weet - ek mis die doel - Nou.

Kom terug - Fokus - Sien Jesus - Ek het dit Sondag oggend ervaar - was op 'n plek - onder n boom - omtrent 40 Boesmans - baie kinders - tolk kon nie tolk nie - ek het plat op sand gaan sit en Wysheid gevra - gefrustreerd en magteloos - toe onthou ek van die sakkie appels - sny elk in 4 en elkeen proe God se Liefde.  Het toe verduidelik dat as hulle eet - dat ons dink aan Jesus en wat Hy vir ons gedoen het op Golgotha.   Die nag het ek 'n soort van donker beleef - o.a. magteloos omdat ons Broers mekaar dood skiet in Gaza ens.

Toe breek die LIG van Jesaja 59 en 60 deur.  

Die oomblik wanneer jy NIe Liefde, Vrede Vreugde be Leef nie. 

Raak Stil.    Weet.     Jy Is Lig.    God Is.     Kies Vreugde. 

(Skuus - ek sukkel om te verWoord.  Vra die Heilige Gees - Hy Is met jou en Openbaar Jesus In Jou.)

Ho'oponopono (Help Talk) (Beteken: Maak Reg  REG.)  Google dit wanneer jy tyd het.  Dis nogal Baie Goed.

Vier goed op die Dankie Lysie:

*1.   'n Onderwyseres vra hulp om 'n "Resource Centre " - waar kinders met leer en lees probleme gehelp word, in te rig .  Ons gaan een van die ou koshuis lokale in rig.  Kort verf - matte, kussings - hulp middels - BAIE Flits kaarte en lamineer werk - enige Water wat kan verander in wat nodig is.  

Die nood is groter as wat ek gedink het.    Die sentrum sal beskikbaar wees vir hele skool om te gebruik.

Toe ons hier gekom het - 90 ' s - was die Std 7 slaagsyfer 100 % - nou is dit jare al 17 %

Vader Weet wat ons nodig het - Hy Voorsien.  Merk dit: Leer en Lees 🙂  

Ilana - onderwyseres in RSA help met raad en inligting.

*2.   Groente tuin -  By Boesmans in Charles Hill.  Sit ons eers op ys.

*3.  Johan - sendeling in Winburg se seun Joshua, het 'n tablet - GEKRY !!    Dankie Vader.   Hul woning wat God aan hulle geskenk het - het onderhoud nodig.  Gesels asb met Johan by 0834606914 as jy met Vrede en Vreugde water wil stuur.

*4.   Liz wat die 6 de berg in Nepal wil / moet gaan klim - moet 1 ste week in Nov vlieg - om VOOR winter te kan klim.   Sy kort nog R12,000.   Die vakansie in Mosambiek ten waarde van R20,000 is beskikbaar as jy die 12,000 betaal.  Gesels asb met Liz by 0609931051

SHALOM !!      SHALOM !!           Haal Asem - En Weet  - Hy Is Met Jou.  Gabriel. 

WA +27721580587     

Cell +26773696737

Jesus: "Choose JOY - and Together We Walk in the Kingdom of God."

Nuus van Johan en Enna Dames van Mosambiek.

 Goeie more liefste vriende en familie in Jesus Christus ♥️🛐...

Redelike tydjie trug wat ek van ons laat hoor het, maar hulle sê mos: 

"geen nuus, goeie nuus"..

Soos my ou Pappie altyd gesê het..."Gelukkig weet die Vader waar julle bly, hy kan maar net bid"🙇🏼‍♀️

Dit is alweer baie warm hier. Die weer het so vinnig verander, voor ons nog ñ lekker koel windjie kon geniet, brand die son alweer jou kierangs uit!! Ons bid vir reën ook, en weet dat Vader op Sy tyd ons sal genadig wees. Die water raak minder, en ons moet meer spaarsamig werk, maar die dors bly nie weg nie💁🏼‍♀️

Met ons gesondheid is ons oorgee aan God se genade en Jesus is ons Geneesheer en ons Verlosser!! Elke dag begin ons met die aantrek van "Sy Wapenrusting" 

en ons bid die "Vrug van die Gees" oor ons lewens. Daarom kan ons nie anders as om te sê 'dit gaan goed'... God se genade is genoeg!!

Met die geestelike werk gaan dit ook goed. Ons is mos maar net hier as instrumente in Vader se Hand! Hy lei en ons beweeg. Die dorpie het nog nie heeltemal toestemming gegee sodat Johan met die "Hart of men" daar kan ingaan nie, maar ons vertrou dit sal spoedig gebeur.🛐

Verlede Sondag kry ons ñ nuwe besoeker, Roque DeAlmeira...(klink of van Portugese afstam)...maar baie bekend met die Koran en vra groot vrae oor hoekom Jesus vir ons gekom het, en word nie in die Koran genoem nie..🤷🏼‍♀️

Hy kom elke Sondag en is baie baie geintreseerd en ons bid en vra vir ñ oorgawe!! "Asb Jesus, help Roque om te verstaan dat Jesus vir ons almal gesterf het en dat Hy wél opgestaan het"!! 

Gister was hier weer ñ nuweling. Jalia Jalia. Hy bring ñ ou Bybel van hom saam en sê dat iemand anders in Jesus se plek gesterf het👀, hy wil weet waar staan dit in die Woord, dat dit Jesus was wat gesterf het en waar staan dat hy opgestaan het...

Daar was groot geselse gister, en was ons nie gestuur deur die Vader nie, sou ons nie antwoorde kon gee en wys nie. Jalia gaan weer kom, want hy het nou ñ nuwe Bybel waar hy gewys is waar Jesus die Seun van God is en dat Hy vir ons gesterf het en wél opgestaan net. Dis sulke dinge wat gebeur wat ons harte laat oorloop van vreugde en weet dat ons hier nodig is!! 

Oudword of nie, jy kan!! Jy kan, met my Here spring ek oor ñ muur, met my God storm ons ñ bende!!

Fil.4:13..."ek is tot alles in staat deur Hom wat my krag gee"!!

Fil.3:7..."en die vrede van God wat alle verstand te bowe gaan, sal oor julle harte en gesagtes die wag hou in Jesus Christus".

Die laaste tyd het my verlang na ons kinders en families al meer en baie groot geraak😥nou bid ek die dae verby, sodat ons net ñ biki kan wegbreek en kuier. So, ons tyd raak nou kort. Soos ons beplaning is, sal ons seker die 2de week in Desember begin ry. 😳DV 5dae en nagte op die pad wees, maar ons weet dat Vader ons vooruitgaan en ons met elke nuwedag se breek, inwag!!


Dat Vader, in Sy Almag, Homself sal openbaar aan hierdie mense en hulle harte en verstand sal aanraak, om Jesus te leer ken.

Vir ons gesondheid,  asook ons voorbereiding vir ons vertrek.

Vir ons water kwessie, dat Vader ons gebede sal hoor en voorsien.

Ons kinders en 

kleintjies, vir beskerming en ook hul gesondheid. 

Vir Roque en Jalia, dat Jesus hulle sal aanraak en hulle n oorgawe maak.

Bid ook vir ds Willem Louw van Potch. Vir volkome geneesing!


Vader se sorg, Sy getrouheid, Sy voorsiening, Sy liefde en beskerming.

Vir elkeen wat ons dienste bywoon, dat hulle ook Jesus se liefde soos ons sal ervaar.

God se genade wat altyd genoeg is.

Dankie vir vrede en vreugde met hierdie mense.

Dankie vir elkeen wat vir ons bid, finansies voorsien en geselsies.

Ons bid vir elkeen van julle Num.6:24-26 toe: 

" Die Here sal julle seën en beskerm, 

Die Here sal tot julle redding verskyn en julle genadig wees, 

Die Here sal julle gebede verhoor en aan julle vrede gee!"

Ons is lief vir julle, ons bid ook vir elkeen van julle.

Liefde en groete in Jesus ons Heer en Meester 🛐🙏🏼🫂

Julle onthou die vinger van die dogtertjie 'n paar maande terug. Sy het verlede week kom wys; dis nou gesond.

Ons het weer na 'n baie lang tyd 'n papwiel in Pemba by die petroilstasie. Goedheid van Vader dat ander ons kon help.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Recent Email Newsletters from Alfred & Leonie Smith - Read the latest one 09/26/2024

 Recent Email Newsletters 

from Alfred & Leonie Smith in McLeod Ganj (India)

Look underneath for the latest one...end September

A Quick Summary for Our Busy Friends

First of all, we want to thank everyone that responded to our call for help earlier this month. We were surprised and humbled by the number and the passion of the responses that we received.

Please do not forget us in your prayers and giving -- we need your continued support to keep going.

September was a month where so much happened, so we have a lot of news items. It was not a photogenic month, though, so there are fewer photos than usual.

1. We Want to see You (and we MEAN it)
We REALLY want to meet everyone on this visit. We have booked out three months dedicated to meeting as many people as we can. We have lots of exciting things to say. We want to speak to you, your family and your friends. We want to speak to your home group and your church. Do not be shy - contact us to make an appointment TODAY. Our dates in the country are in the section below.

2. Visiting Prayer Team
A prayer team from Taiwan came to bless us. What a challenge!

3. Security Incident
The Intelligence Bureau came to our house for an investigation. All's good now, but it gave us quite a scare.

4. Uganda
Leonie has been training church planters in Uganda with exciting results. READ READ READ

5. Alfred's New Teeth
Alfred's dental treatment continued. Check out the before and after pictures.

6. Hindi Bible Video Series
Great news on the Hindi Bible Video Series - the complete materials have been published. Read this to find out why we are so happy.

7. Video
A video about a typical moment in Ludhiana

8. Gerhard - a Retrospective
Alfred speaks of the things he has learned following the passing of Leonie's brother

9. Praise Reports and 10. Prayer Requests
Thank you for your prayers.

About...  We Want to See you! And we MEAN it!

We are very busy preparing for our trip to North India, Uganda, South Africa and Lesotho.
In South Africa, the provisional plan is as follows:
28 September to 6 October - Rest & Time with the grandchildren
7 October to 17 October - Pretoria
18 October to 23 October - East Rand
23 October to 31 October - Pretoria
1 November to 4 November - East Rand
5 November - 29 November - Pretoria
1 December to 9 December - Lesotho
10 December to 11 January - Family time
14 January to 18 January - Blocked out
19 January to mid-February - Cape Town and Garden Route to Jeffreys Bay (and maybe Grahamstown)
Please contact us to make an appointment. We'd love to see you.

We are preparing an exciting presentation with the theme "Stories from the Field" We want to make everyone we know excited about bringing the love of Jesus to all people. So please introduce us to your family, home small group and church service so that we can share this with your special friends too.
Check this Video from their world...