Sunday, December 8, 2024

Uitnodiging van Ds Gawie Joubert, XANAGAS, Botswana...


Van Ds Gawie Joubert, XANAGAS, Botswana...

NB !! LEES ASB. Jy word geroep......

Elohim. -  Trinity. 

“Call Your Brothers.” Was die Antwoord op my vraag:  " Wie gaan help?"

Wie gaan help om die mense van New Xanagas te leer om te werk?

Dis amper ‘n Macedoniese roepstem.       

Laas nag toe ek besef – in Jan 2025 wanneer die owerhede die groen lig gee en sĂȘ “Yes Moruti – good idea – you may start." 

Dan moet ons reg wees – eintlik klaar begin het om die 44 km cut line met ‘n GPS uit te gemeet het. 

Die +- 196 mense wat betaal word om te skoffel ens – kan dan amptelik met goedkeuring die cut line oop kap vir die TRAILER TRAIN – terwyl ons wag vir die masjinerie om afgelewer te word. 

Lees asb die engelse brief gerig aan die Government of Botswana – aangeheg.

Hulp word ook benodig met die voltooing van die CEDA lening se aansoekvorm - dis lywig.

Die besigheidsplanne word deur Theuns en Brian gedoen – eintlik klaar – die finale afronding en kwotasies ens. moet gedoen word. 

14 dae na vorms voltooi is word VERSKAFFERS betaal....... Admin is my swakste punt.

Dis nie net die wat ‘n kettingsaag kan hanteer wat benodig word nie – vrou lief kan in die skool kom help as volunteer. Hulle sal dit BAIE geniet.

Het jy enige SKILL ? Kinder werk? ??? – kom.

Vat 'n maand of 3 sabbatsrus - of is jy afgetree en nog jonk of jou gap jaar?

Het jy ‘n karavaan of tent - kom.    Het jy niks maar WEET jy moet kom – kom.     God sal Voorsien.

Een gemeente het hul maandelikse donasie van 2025 vooruit gegee en ‘n ander Sinode het R5000 gegee – So GLORY ons het al so R 20 k vir kos. 

Jy is welkom om dit wat jy buitendien sou gebruik vir kos – in die kas te gooi vir die nodige.   Jy kan nie kom nie maar wil help - dam se nr is onder.   Dankie Vader.

Ons eet en kook almal saam. As jy petrol kort – praat. 

Wil jy WHK toe vlieg? Dan gaan haal ek jou.

Kooitjie, Abe Cloete -‘n vorige sendeling van Gaborone – se vrou - se wyse woorde is: “Die mense kan nie uit ‘n VAKUUM leer hoe om te werk nie.” 

Kom help om die vakuum te vul met Dade en Woorde en so word almal wakker dat Christus se Lig helder skyn en Ons Vader Verheerlik word.

Jy moet ‘n paspoort besit. By die grens skryf – Visit Pastor Joubert. KALAHARI FOUNTAIN New Xanagas Tel 73696737 Vra vir 90 dae of what ever. 

BEL !!

Die 1 ste 7 wat hier is - kry ‘n aandeel in Eat To Live.      

Jy kan NOU kom. 

I M M A N U E L.  Gabriel. WA +27721580587     

Cell +26773696737

FNB Lynnwood tak  252045  rek nr 620 318 253 86  GS Joubert.

Standard Bank Gobabis tak  082072 Rek nr. 143 356 488  Joubert.

"Gaan    -    Kom."

REFORMED CHURCH IN BOTSWANA  (CR. 0318  17 September 1976)


 Ministry:  KALAHARI FOUNTAIN          December 2024

To: The Government of Botswana – Represented By: DC – CS - S & CD -  The Land board – Dept of Forestry – Agriculture - By-laws – DLUPU - CEDA  - VDC and Kgosi of New Xanagas.


God Called us in 1987 to Xanagas – to participate towards THE AWAKENING OF THE COMMUNITIES SURROUNDING XANAGAS.

The Utilization of BIO-MASS derived from Sustainable Harvesting of Encroaching Bush and Re-Growth – will be Touchable Evidence of God Our Father’s Love and Care for Us.

The GREEN Encroaching Bush can be turned into BLACK Carbon and cattle feed and other products and it can be seen as GREEN AND BLACK GOLD –  to diversify Botswana’s Economy.

Detailed Business Plans will be made available when necessary.

It is our intention – with your help and co-operation - to use the 12 km x 38 km (with buffer zone of 5 km) FARM LAND OF NEW XANAGAS – which was allocated in 1983 and FENCED - in the presence of witness Moruti Oster Xhari Khoxo and others – to DEMONSTRATE the sustainability and Production Procedures of the operation at allocated boreholes on the New Xanagas Farm.

As soon as all the questions are answered – with proof – 31 % Company Tax will be paid by EAT TO  LIVE Pty Ltd. which will produce the BIOCHAR.     The RCB and Trusts in Gantsi District will be among the rest of the beneficiaries.     A Management Team of 1 representative from RCB, 1 from the Trusts and 1 from the Government will be formed - according to Company Guide lines.  

We Trust God and is in the process to borrow Funds from CEDA to start the operation. 

The following products can be produced for the Local Southern African  and Global Export Market.  Concrete buyers are available.      

1.  Biochar: The global price of biochar in 2023 averaged around $150  (+- P2000) per ton of CO2 equivalent, with some transactions reaching as high as $200 per ton. 

The global biochar market is growing rapidly, with a market value of $600 million in 2023. The market is expected to reach nearly $3.3 billion by 2025. 

Every Biochar Converter can process 100 ton bio-mass per day – Producing 24 tons of Biochar. 

2.  Cattle Feed Pellets.           3.  Charcoal Slabs:   Charcoal compressed in 1m x 1 meter x 30 mm thick for the export market to fire stainless steel ovens in Europe.         4.   Medicinal Cannabis and Vegetables and fruit produced in greenhouse tunnels erected at the cattle posts.

The EIA - done in 2007 – is in the process of updating – the bush will be cut and not uprooted.

Thank You for Your Interest.

Gabriel Joubert    Representative of the Beneficiaries.  

Email:          Whatsapp:  26773696737  or phone.   

Or Phone 71369857        We will confirm a meeting in RAC - Charles Hill in January 2025.

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