
Dear Didasko Missions Academy student

We have launched the Setting the Captives Free course (on deliverance ministry)

God has given His servants a powerful tool to set people free. The New Testament contains many examples of deliverance. But is it scriptural for us to use it today? Is this kind of ministry still available and relevant? Are missionaries using it as part of their strategy, and what are the results?

All these and many more questions are answered in this course.

This course will help you to understand and apply the Biblical mandate for deliverance. The course is taught by missionaries with experience in deliverance ministry.

Click here to read more about this course: edu.dasko.org/courses/course-v1:Didasko+K030-SettingCaptivesFree+2024_08/about

Jesus's example

We learn from Luke 9:1 that Jesus called His disciples together and gave them power and authority over demons, and power to cure diseases. Then later, as Jesus gave His 'farewell speech,' he said “... And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons ...” (Mark 16:17). Jesus gave a clear command to all who believe. Find out how to in this course.

An overview of the course

This course consists of 4 modules. The first module is the foundation for the rest of the course and covers aspects such as cessationism, the flaw of the excluded middle, Satan’s tactics, names of the devil, perceptions of the spiritual world, Mana, animism, idolatry, magic, taboos, the evil eye, and lastly our authority and defense.

The second module is practical and are taught by missionaries who are currently ministering in Africa.  The devil’s schemes are the same everywhere. This module covers subjects like how demons enter people, what keeps people from being set free, generational curses and the rights of demons.

The third module explains the conditions and obstacles for receiving deliverance, characteristics and preparation of the counsellors (the people doing the deliverance), and the process of deliverance, including deliverance of children, self-deliverance and mass deliverance.

The last module examines the impact that deliverance ministry can have on evangelism and discipleship - and the spread of the Gospel!

Satan’s goal has always been to deceive people, keeping them bound in fear and blind to the gospel. But Jesus showed us, and commanded us, to set the captives free! 

Click here to enroll in the course: edu.dasko.org/courses/course-v1:Didasko+K030-SettingCaptivesFree+2024_08/about

For More Training Resources from DIDASKO Missions Academy, look underneath


More Training Resources from DIDASKO Missions Academy

Didasko Missions Academy: 

Hendrik deel meer oor Didasko se kursusse. 
Kyk en Doen en Deel.

Ons beginners reeks, Discovering Missions, is juis daarop gemik om Christene en kerke te mobiliseer. Ons het fasiliteerders wat dit al by baie kerke aangebied het, maar mens kan dit op jou eie tempo aanlyn ook doen. 

Die reeks bestaan uit The Bible and Missions, Missions 101, en My Role in Missions. Gaan kyk gerus by https://www.dasko.org/courses/discovering-missions. 

The Bible and Missions is 'n oorsig van die Groot Opdrag in die Bybel, en My Role in Missions vertel vir Christene dat nie almal noodwendig sendingveld toe moet gaan nie (maar dat eintlik moet baie meer mense!), maar dat daar heelwat ander rolle is wat hulle kan speel om die saak vorentoe te neem.

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