Thursday, July 13, 2023

How to Address Transgender Ideology as a Christian Teacher

 [VIDEO OF THE WEEK] by  Dr Frank Turek

How to Address Transgender Ideology as a Christian Teacher

How can Christian educators in the public school system navigate through honest conversations about gender dysphoria with transgender students and their parents? In our video of the week, I provide some helpful resources and thought-provoking questions that teachers can ask when discussing this sensitive topic.

You can watch it on YouTube HERE and please share it with all of your teacher friends!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

KoFie-Project - The Result of another one of our Posts

KoFie-Project - 

The Result of another one of our Posts 

We Boost (Advertised) this to some countries with mostly Unreached people - unreached with the Gospel (India, Malysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia etc.)  

After 8 days... Already more than 88,000 people reached; 2289 people engaged, with more than 111,000 post Impressions (total of those viewing it more than one time)

To view the Post on Facebook...                                                                                          "Welcome to look to this interesting truly short video....

HOW TO KNOW WHO GOD IS AND WHERE TO FIND HIM. (At the END is a personal gift to download in your own language.)

Please "Liked" our PAGE or the video for our further networking with each other. 

Please Pray for such posts that we boost. 

This one was prepared by Elmer Grobler, bringing the viewer to the point of realising how important the Bible is, and downloading one from a supplied link. 

What to Pray? 

  • That the post reaches a Holy Spirit Prepared people who want to Download their own Bible and read it. 
  • For the needed follow up of those people to meet The Lord Jesus at the end.

The amount paid for the Advertisement 

Only R400.  Just compare this with how many missionaries needed to distribute Bibles in those countries. 

Anybody that want to join us financially in this Social Media Outreaches... 

To get more information about our KoFie-Ministry...

Monday, July 3, 2023

​5 Fatal Flaws in Transgender Ideology

Many people who support transgender surgery and cross-sex hormones may be well-intentioned, but the transgender ideology behind those intentions is fraught with fatal flaws. 

Here are just five of many. 
Contrary to transgender ideology:

​5 Fatal Flaws in Transgender Ideology 

As the LGBTQ+ issue is very much on the agenda of the Church and Society as a whole...

Welcome to read more here...

When Gays meet Jesus as Lord

Monday, June 26, 2023

You've been invited to join the group LOOKING for GOD'S WILL SEEKERS and KINGDOM BUILDERS for SA on Facebook.

 You've been invited to join the group LOOKING for GOD'S WILL SEEKERS and KINGDOM BUILDERS for SA on Facebook.

Groups are dedicated spaces on Facebook that make it easy to pursue your interests and to connect and get things done with other people.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Another Report from our KoFie-Project

This report is from our Page: 


The most precious thing to share to people worldwide, is...


Just to show that the GOSPEL is still in demand. 

Yes, People still take note and when we share it, they DOWNLOAD and READ. 

Welcome to look to the post on Facebook๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

We post an invitation about above post, for people to get involved in our NEW WAY BIBLE STUDY on WhatsApp, or as an alternative, to Download their own Online Bible in their own language.

After we Boosted (advertise) this post on our Facebook Page, focussed on people that are most likely still unreached with the Gospel, the end result was as follows...

  • People reached: 210,478
  • Post Impressions (the number of times the post was on somebody's screen (it can be more times on the same person's screen) : 259,809 (Note: This is more than one quarter of a Million)
  • Post engagement : 5,332
  • Likes: 3,400
  • Comments: 65
  • Shares: 10
  • Amount of Advertising money paid: R240 over 10 days.
The Numbers of People that are registered on our two WhatsApp Bible Study Groups:
  • New Way Bible Study: 111 Participants 
  • Muslims ask People of the Book - A Bible Course Specially to Answer Muslim Questions: 92 Participants
Please support and take hands with us:
  • Thanks for Praying with us that the Holy Spirit opens hearts and minds to learn to love the Bible and accept the Lord of the Bible - Jesus Christ - as their Lord and Saviour.
  • Praise God for those more than one quarter of a Million people that was exposed to this post.
  • Welcome to join us: What if One Million People can be exposed with our next effort.  Click here to Support this Outreach on Social Media financially